A retailing method where merchandise or services are sent to individual consumers based on a direct contact with the consumer The consumer can contact the retailer by calling in or mailing an order, or the retailer can contact the consumer through an outbound telephone campaign
Mail order is a system of buying and selling goods. You choose the goods you want from a company by looking at their catalogue, and the company sends them to you by post. The toys are available by mail order from Opi Toys
Mail orders are goods that have been ordered by mail order. I supervise the packing of all mail orders. a method of buying and selling in which the buyer chooses goods at home and orders them from a company which sends them by post by mail order
A retailing method where merchandise or services are sent to individual consumers based on a direct contact with the consumer The consumer can contact the retailer by calling in or mailing an order, or the retailer can contact the consumer through an outbound telephone campaign