A distance between two notes The interval between to adjacent keys on a piano is a half-step (for instance, B to C) The interval between two keys that have one key in between them is a whole step, or two half-steps (for instance, C to D) Three half-steps are a minor third, four are a major third, and so on Some intervals have traditional tunes associated with them
A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as, an interval between two houses or hills
the distance between two notes, usually designated by a quantity (or generic number name) and quality (M, m, d, A); two consecutive notes form a melodic interval and two simultaneous notes form a harmonic interval
In music, an interval is the difference (a ratio or logarithmic measure) in pitch between two notes and often refers to those two pitches themselves (otherwise known as a dyad)
a set of integral points between two endpoints This domain is frequently represented using mathematical interval notation [a,b] even though it contains only the integral points, e g , a, a+1, a+2, …, b It is also generalized to an n-dimensional interval as the direct product of one-dimensional intervals Many containers' domains consist of these sets of ordered tuples See Also: domain, stride, range
the pitch distance between two notes Intervals are sometimes named by reference to a major or minor scale: thus the interval of a fifth is the distance between the first and the fifth notes in either of the scales ( = 7 semitones); a major third is the distance between the first and third notes of the major scale ( = 4 semitones); a minor sixth is the distance between the first and sixth notes of the minor scale ( = 8 semitones) In addition, the term "minor second" is reserved for the interval of a semitone
Either of the two breaks, at lunch and tea, between the three sessions of a days play
A tract of low ground between hills, or along the banks of a stream, usually alluvial land, enriched by the overflowings of the river, or by fertilizing deposits of earth from the adjacent hills
müz. iki ses arasındaki perde farkı, enterval
müz. i·ki ses a·ra·sın·da·ki per·de far·kı, en·ter·val