müstahkem bir yere merdivenleçıkıp hücum etme

listen to the pronunciation of müstahkem bir yere merdivenleçıkıp hücum etme
Türkisch - Englisch
An act of scaling walls or fortifications

An escalade was required for the warriors to attack the troops.

To scale the walls of a fortification
{n} the act of scaling the walls of a place
an act of scaling by the use of ladders (especially the walls of a fortification) climb up and over; "They had to escalade canyons to reach their destination
{i} scaling or climbing walls using ladders (especially of a fortification)
climb up and over; "They had to escalade canyons to reach their destination"
the act of scaling walls or fortifications
A furious attack made by troops on a fortified place, in which ladders are used to pass a ditch or mount a rampart
an act of scaling by the use of ladders (especially the walls of a fortification)
To mount and pass or enter by means of ladders; to scale; as, to escalate a wall
müstahkem bir yere merdivenleçıkıp hücum etme