born Feb. 28, 1712, Château de Candiac, France died Sept. 14, 1759, Quebec French military leader. He joined the French army at age 12 and fought in several European conflicts. In 1756 he was placed in command of French troops in North America, but his commission excluded most military resources in Canada. He forced the British to surrender their post at Oswego and captured Fort William Henry (1757). At the Battle of Ticonderoga (1758), he repulsed an attack by 15,000 British troops with a force of just 3,800 men. Promoted to lieutenant general, he received authority over military affairs in Canada. In 1759 a British force of 8,500 troops under Gen. James Wolfe marched on Quebec; in the ensuing Battle of Quebec, Montcalm fought with conspicuous gallantry and was mortally wounded
louis-joseph de montcalm-grozon marquis de montcalm
louis-joseph de montcalm-grozon Mar-quis de Mont-calm