long list

listen to the pronunciation of long list
Englisch - Türkisch
uzun liste
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von long list im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

A first list, from which a shortlist is prepared
A long-list for something such as a job or a prize is a large group that has been chosen from all the people who applied for the job, or all the people or things that are competing for the prize. The successful ones from this group are chosen to go on the shortlist. There are 27 riders on the long-list
If someone or something is long-listed for a job or a prize, they are put on a long-list of those to be considered for that job or prize. She was long-listed for the senior team last year
long list


    Long list

    Türkische aussprache

    lông lîst


    /ˈlôɴɢ ˈləst/ /ˈlɔːŋ ˈlɪst/


    ... It's very easy to see a long list of things that have been ...
    ... And the thing I find the most troubling about Obama Care, well it's a long list, but one ...