long edible fish found in the seas of northern europe

listen to the pronunciation of long edible fish found in the seas of northern europe
Englisch - Englisch
{i} ling
long edible fish found in the seas of northern europe


    Long e·di·ble fish found in the seas of north·ern Eu·rope

    Türkische aussprache

    lông edıbıl fîş faund în dhi siz ıv nôrdhırn yûrıp


    /ˈlôɴɢ ˈedəbəl ˈfəsʜ ˈfound ən ᴛʜē ˈsēz əv ˈnôrᴛʜərn ˈyo͝orəp/ /ˈlɔːŋ ˈɛdəbəl ˈfɪʃ ˈfaʊnd ɪn ðiː ˈsiːz əv ˈnɔːrðɜrn ˈjʊrəp/