
listen to the pronunciation of loading
Englisch - Türkisch

Tom kamyona yükleme yapmayı bitirdi. - Tom finished loading the truck.

Bavullar yükleme için hazırdı. - The suitcases were ready for loading.

(Askeri) YÜKLEME: Birliklerin, teçhizatın ve ikmal maddelerinin gemilere, uçaklara, trenlere, kara nakil araçlarına ve diğer nakil araçlarına konması işlemi. Bak. "administrative loading", "block stowage loading", "bulk loading", "cargo", "combat loading", "commercial loading", "commodity loading", "convoy loading", "cross-loading (personnel) ", "endurance loading", "horizontal loading", "preload loading", "rail loading", "selective loading", "unit loading", "vertical loading"
ek maliyet
{f} yükle

Kamyonu yüklemeye hazırız. - We're ready to begin loading the truck.

Tom kamyona yükleme yapmayı bitirdi. - Tom finished loading the truck.

ağırlaşması veya kalınlaşması için herhangi bir şeye katılan madde
{i} yük

Gemiye ham petrol yüklüyorlar. - They're loading crude oil onto the ship.

Onlar gemiye petrol yüklüyorlar. - They are loading oil into the ship.

masrafları karşılamak için prime eklenen miktar
{i} film takma
(İnşaat) yük alma

Her şeyi kamyona yüklemek Tom'un bir saatini aldı. - It took Tom an hour to load everything on the truck.

Sami mobilyayı yüklemek için oradaydı. - Sami was there to load the furniture.


Tom silahının yüklü olduğundan emin olmak için kontrol etti. - Tom checked to make sure his gun was loaded.

Bu kamera, film yüklü değil. - This camera is not loaded with film.

loading bridge
yükleme köprüsü
loading capacity
yükleme kapasitesi
loading capacity
yükleme sığası
loading coil
yükleme bobini
loading dose
yükleme dozu
loading gauge
yük gabarisi
loading hopper
yükleme hunisi
loading instruction
yükleme yönergesi
loading mechanism
doldurma tertibatı
loading note
taşıma senedi
loading note
hamule senedi
loading point
yükleme yeri
loading programme
yükleme bağdarlaması
loading programme
yükleme programı
loading ramp
bindirme rampası
loading ramp
yükleme rampası
loading routine
yükleme yordamı
loading speed
yükleme hızı
loading tray
yükleme tablası
Loading game
oyun yükleniyor
Loading game
oyunu yüklüyor
loading dock
yükleme dokuna
loading note
hamule senedi, taşıma senedi
loading time
yükleme süresi
loading weight
yükleme ağırlığı
loading barrow
(Askeri) TEKERLEKLİ MERMİ TESKERESİ: Ağır bir mermiyi topa doldurmak için kullanılan küçük araba veya teskere
loading chart
(Askeri) (AIRCRAFT) YÜKLEME ŞEMASI (UÇAK): Nakledilebilecek yüklerin uçakta konabileceği yeri gösteren, kontrol listeleri, denge kayıtları ve ağırlık ve denge beyanlarıyla ilgili uçakta taşınan bir dizi dökümandan biri
loading condition
yükleme şartı
loading condition
yük şartı
loading condition
yük hali
loading condition
yük durumu
loading cycle
yükleme çevrimi
loading equipment
yükleme ekipmanı
loading factor
(Nükleer Bilimler) yükleme faktörü
loading instructions
yükleme talimatları
loading mechanism
(Askeri) DOLDURMA MEKANİZMASI, DOLDURMA TERTİBATI: Ateşli silahlarda doldurma mekanizması
loading officer
(Askeri) BİNDİRME VE YÜKLEME SUBAYI: Kıta, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerini gemi, tren ve hava indirme harekatında hava araçlarına bindirmek üzere görevlendirilmiş kıta subayı. Bak. "unit loading officer"
loading path
yükleme yolu
loading plan
(Askeri) YÜKLEME PLANI: Bir araya getirildiklerinde kara, deniz ve demiryollarıyla veya hava ulaştırma vasıtalarıyla intikal eden bir veya daha fazla birlik veya diğer özel personel grupları ya da malzeme için personelin tertiplenmesi ve teçhizatın yüklenmesiyle ilgili tüm talimatları temsil eden tek tek hazırlanmış dökümanların tümü. Bak. "ocean manifest"
loading platform
(Askeri) YÜKLEME RAMPASI: Ambar vesair binaların ön tarafında bulunan, eşyanın vagon ve kamyonlara yükletilmesinde faydalanılan platform
loading point
(Askeri) BİNDİRME VE YÜKLEME NOKTASI: Personelin, gemi, tren, kamyon, uçak vesaireye bindirildiği ve ikmal maddeleri ile teçhizatın yüklendiği nokta
loading rate
yükleme hız
loading site
(Askeri) YÜKLEME BÖLGESİ (MEVZİİ): Bir kaç yükleme noktasını kapsayan bölge
loading skip
yükleme kovası
loading table
(Askeri) YÜKLEME KAPASİTE ÇİZELGESİ: Çeşitli tipte tren, gemi, hava aracı vesaireye yüklenmesi caiz yük miktarlarını gösteren çizelge veya şema
loading tray
(Askeri) MERMİ YATAĞI: Bazı otomatik silahlarda, özellikle hava savunma silahlarından, mermileri kamaya süren oyuk kızak
{f} sıkmak
commodity loading
(Askeri) blok yükleme
cyclic loading
(İnşaat) tekrarlı yükleme
fool loading
maksimum yükleme
fool loading
tam yükleme
live loading
hareketli yükleme
silahı doldurmak
(Askeri) yüklü

O, bu silahı yüklü bulundurur. - He keeps this gun loaded.

Tom silahının yüklü olduğundan emin olmak için kontrol etti. - Tom checked to make sure his gun was loaded.

şarj etmek

Kamyonu yüklemeye hazırız. - We're ready to begin loading the truck.

Tom'un kamyonu yüklememe yardımcı olacağını umuyordum. - I was hoping Tom would help me load the truck.

(Askeri) tahmil etmek
yükleme yapmak
yük vurmak
(Avcılık) sıkı
mal yüklemek
(Avcılık) dolu
yük yüklemek
hareketli yük
tam yük
muzzle loading
(Askeri) ağızdan yüklemeli
breech loading
kuyruktan dolma
coefficient of loading
yükleme katsayısı
coil loading
bobin yükleme
combat loading
muharebe yüklemesi
disk loading
disk yüklemesi
dynamic linking and loading
dinamik bağlantılama ve yükleme
horizontal loading
yatay yükleme
{f} yükle

Arabaya bir sürü bagaj yükledik. - We loaded a lot of luggage into the car.

Adamlar bagajı kamyona yükledi. - The men loaded the baggage into the truck.

(makina/vb.'nin yaptığı) iş
taşınan miktar
port of loading
yükleme limanı
(tabanca) yarı otomatik
shock loading
şoklu yükleme
tin loading
kalay şarjı
{i} sıkıntı
boiler loading
kazan yüklenmesi
breech loading field gun
(Askeri) Kamadan doldurulan sahra topu
makat yükleme
front loading
on yükleme
front loading washer
önden yüklemeli yıkayıcı
random loading
rastgele yükleme
sparse loading
boş yer bırakarak yükleme
surface loading rate
(Mühendislik) Yüzey yükleme hızı
water loading
su yükleme
(gabarit international de chargement) international loading gauge
(Askeri) (gabarit international de chargement) uluslar arası yükleme mastarı (ölçü birimi)
Tube loading and cop removing station
(Tekstil) Masura takma ve kops alma istasyonu
Tube loading station
(Tekstil) Masura takma istasyonu
Tube loading station Placing tubes
(Tekstil) Masura takma
administrative loading
(Askeri) İDARİ YÜKLEME: Taktik değerlendirmelere bağlı kalmaksızın öncelikle, asker ve yük kapasitesinden azami düzeyde faydalanmaya önem veren yükleme sistemi. Ayrıca bak: "commercial loading" and "loading"
advanced ambulance loading post
(Askeri) İLERİ AMBULANS BİNDİRME YERİ: Bak. "ambulance loading post"
after loading technique
(Nükleer Bilimler) sonradan yükleme tekniği
air loading table
(Askeri) HAVA YÜKLEME ÇİZELGESİ: Kara birlikleri tarafından kullanılan esas bilgi kayıt kağıdı. Bu çizelge; hava araçlarından her birine yüklenen yük ile ilgili bilgiyi ihtiva eder. Tabur komutanı, bölüklerin ihtiyaçlarına dayanan hava yükleme çizelgesini hazırlar, Bu çizelge, tabur harekat emrinin bir ekidir. Bilgi edinmesi için hava kıta nakliye komutanına veya hava kuvveti komutanına gönderilir, ya da her ikisine birden verilebilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading table"
aircraft loading table
(Askeri) UÇAK YÜKLEME ÇİZELGESİ: Kuvvet birlik komutanı tarafından kullanılan ve herbir uçağa fiilen yüklenen yükle ilgili bilgileri kapsayan veri çizelgesi
ambulance loading post
(Askeri) AMBULANS BİNDİRME YERİ: Normal olarak, ambulans mekiğinin en ilerisinde, hasta ve yaralıları tahliye için bir veya daha çok ambulansın bulunduğu bir nokta. Bu nokta, genellikle, bir sıhhi yardım istasyonundadır. İleri ambulans bindirme durağı, sıhhi yardım istasyonunun ilerisinde bulunan bir duraktır. Bak. "advanced ambulance loading post"
ammunition loading line
(Askeri) MÜHİMMAT TERKİP ATELYESİ: Bir tesiste, birbirine benzer mühimmat kalemlerinden herhangi bir gruba ait ana parçaların birleştirilmesi için, tam bir işletme tesisi halinde kurulmuş bina, teçhizat ve lüzumlu tesisattan ibaret kolaylık tesisleri grubu
axle loading
(Otomotiv) azami dingil yükü
batch loading
(Nükleer Bilimler) yığın yüklemesi
belt loading machine
(Askeri) ŞERİT DOLDURMA MAKİNESİ, DOLDURMA MAKİNESİ: Şerit ile beslenen bir otomatik silahın fişek şeridine fişeklerin takılması için yapılmış makine. Buna "belt filling machine" de denir
blade loading
(Havacılık) pala yüklemesi
blast loading
(Çevre) darbe yüklemesi
block stowage loading
(Askeri) BLOK İSTİF YÜKLEME: Belirli bir yere gidecek bütün yük bir arada istiflenecek şekilde bir yükleme usulü. Maksat, gittiği yerde, yükün, diğer noktalara ait yüklere zarar vermeden, süratle tahliyesini kolaylaştırmaktır. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading"
bulk loading
(Askeri) kitle yükleme
bulk loading
dökme yükleme
bulk loading
(Askeri) karışık yükleme
bulk loading
(Askeri) KARIŞIK YÜKLEME, KİTLE YÜKLEME: İkmal maddelerinin; sınıf, hizmet veya cins ayrımı yapmaksızın, bir geminin bütün taşıma kapasitesinden faydalanılacak şekilde istiflenmesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "loading"
canopy loading
(Havacılık) kanopi yüklemesi
cargo and loading analysis table
(Askeri) kargo ve yükleme analiz tablosu
cartridge loading
(Havacılık) kartuş yükü
cease loading
(Askeri) YÜKLEMEYİ DURDUR: Topçu ve deniz topçu ateşi desteğinde, mermilerin silaha doldurulması işleminin geçici olarak durdurulduğunu belirtmek üzere iki veya daha fazla atımlık ateş esnasında kullanılan emir
cease loading
(Askeri) doldurmayı durdur! komutu
central loading
merkezi yükleme
centric loading
(Jeoloji) merkezi yükleme
clip loading machine
(Askeri) FİŞEK BAĞI DOLDURMA MAKİNASI: Fişekleri bir fişek bağına yerleştirmek için kullanılan cihaz
combat loading
(Askeri) MUHAREBE YÜKLEMESİ: Birliğin bindirilmesinde; personel tertibi ile teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleri istifinin muhtemel taktik harekata uygunluk dikkate alınarak yapılması. Her yük kalemi istenilen anda boşaltılabilecek şekilde istiflenir
combat loading
(Askeri) muharebe bindirmesi
combat spread loading
(Askeri) dağınık muharebe yüklemesi
combat spread loading
(Askeri) DAĞINIK (BÖLÜNMÜŞ) MUHAREBE YÜKLEMESİ: Bindirmede; yüklerin ayrı ayrı gemilere yüklenmesi
combat unit loading
(Askeri) MUHAREBE BİRLİĞİ BİNDİRMESİ, MUHAREBE BİRLİĞİ YÜKLEMESİ: Bir birliği; indirildiği zaman harekata hazır olabilecek şekilde, esas muharebe teçhizatı, ikmal maddeleri, motorlu vasıtaları ve hayvanlarıyla birlikte, bir gemiye, uçağa, kamyona veya trene yükleme usulü
combat unit loading
(Askeri) muharebe birliği yüklemesi
combat unit loading
(Askeri) muharebe birliği bindirmesi
commercial loading
(Askeri) Bknz. "Administrative Loading"
continuous loading
sürekli yükleme
convoy loading
(Askeri) KONVOY YÜKLEMESİ: Birliklerin, teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleriyle birlikte mutlak surette aynı gemiye değil de, aynı hareket grubu içindeki gemilere yüklenmesi. Ayrıca bak. "loading" (Not. NATO "ship" kelimesi yerine "vessel" kelimesini kullanmaktadır)
convoy unit loading
(Askeri) BİRLİK KONVOY YÜKLEMESİ: Bak. "convoy loading"
cooper loading
katar yükü
cross loading
(Askeri) (PERSONNEL) ÇAPRAZ YÜKLEME: Birliklerin iki veya daha fazla çıkartma veya hava indirme bölgesinde çıkartılabilecek ya da indirilebilecek Şekilde bindirilerek, sevk sırasında birlik bütünlüğünün sağlandığı bir yükleme/bindirme sistemi. Bknz. "loading"
crystal loading
(Nükleer Bilimler) kristal yükü
davit loading
(Askeri) MATAFORADA YÜKLEME: Bknz. "rail loading". DAVY CROCKETT (BATTLE GROUP WEAPON SYSTEM): DAVY CROCKETT (MUHAREBE GRUBU SİLAH SİSTEMİ): Nükleer harp başlıklı bir ateş gücü sağlayan seyyar bir rampa. Esas itibariyle tepkisiz bir silah olup, hava ulaştırma vasıtaları ile taşınabilir; bir jipe, traktöre veya zırhlı personel aracına monte edilebilir. Ve sadece iki kişi tarafından kullanılabilir. Bunun bir modeli insan tarafından taşınmaktadır
density of loading
(Askeri) İMLA KESAFETİ: Bir silahın barut haznesine doldurulan barutun yoğunluğu. Bu yoğunluk, sevk barutu ağırlığının, barut haznesini dolduracak 39.20°F deki arıtılmış su miktarı ağırlığına oranıdır
despatch loading only
(Ticaret) yalnız yüklermede dispeç
diffraction loading
disc loading
(Havacılık) disk yüklemesi
drag loading
(Askeri) sürükleme dalgası
drag loading
(Çevre) sıvı sürtünme yüklemesi
drag loading
(Askeri) SÜRÜKLEME DALGASI: Patlama dalgalarını taşıyan geçici rüzgarlar nedeniyle bir cisim veya yapı üzerinde oluşan kuvvet. Sürüklenme basıncı dinamik baskının bir ürünüdür ve sürüklenme katsayısı yapının ya da cismin şekline (veya geometrisine) bağlıdır. Bak. "dynamic pressure"
eccentric loading
eksantrik yükleme
eccentric loading
merkezdışı yükleme
endurance loading
(Askeri) revizyon yedeği yükleme
endurance loading
(Askeri) REVİZYON YEDEĞİ YÜKLEME: Aşağıdaki niteliklere sahip revizyon maddelerinin normal olarak, revizyonlar arasındaki ay miktarı kadar bir süre için, gemide depolanması. a) Fiyatça düşük b) Hafif ve hacimce küçük c) Tahmini kullanma oranında d) Bozulmayacak. Ayrıca bakınız: "Loading"
equilibrium loading
(Havacılık) dengeli yükleme
finite loading
sonlu yükleme
fuel loading
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt yükleme
fuel loading machine
(Nükleer Bilimler) yakıt yükleme makinesi
general supplies and maintenance loading
(Askeri) İKMAL MADDELERİ VE BAKIM MALZEMESİ YÜKLEMESİ: Bir geminin, sadece ikmal maddeleri ve bakım malzemesi ile yüklemesi
grate loading
ızgara yüklenmesi
gravity loading
yerçekimi yüklemesi
highway loading
karayolu yükü
horizontal loading
(Askeri) YATAY YÜKLEME: Yükün, bir geminin birden çok ambarına veya bir konvoyun birden çok gemisine istiflenmesi
incremental loading analysis
artan yükleme analizi
international loading gauge
(Askeri) uluslararası yük göstergesi
lane loading
şerit yükü
{f} katmak
{f} with (hediye) yağdırmak
{i} ağırlık

Bu kutuya çok fala ağırlık yüklersen patlar. - If you load too much weight in this box, it's going to blow up.

yükünü vermek
{i} mak. direnç
yük, yüklemek yüklemek
birine tesir ederek haksız hüküm verdirmek
hile yapmak için zarı doldurmak
{f} doldurmak
(Askeri) DOLDURMAK: Bir ateşli silahı doldurmak
{f} yük olmak
{f} (silah) doldurmak
{i} çok miktar
{i} sorumluluk
{i} endişe, üzüntü, kaygı
{f} (fotoğraf makinesine) film koymak
{i} elek. yük, şarj
(Tekstil) ağırlaştırmak
{f} (zar) doldurmak
fotograf makinaslna film koymak
{f} çok yemek

Yapacak bir sürü işim var. - I have loads of things to do.

Tom işle o kadar çok meşguldü ki yemek yemeyi unutacaktı. - Tom was so loaded with work that he would forget to eat.

tıkabasa doldurmak hayat sigortasına zam koymak
{f} yüklenmek
hediye yağdırmak
manual loading
(Tarım) elle yükleme
net loading
(Askeri) AĞLAR VASITASIYLA İNDİRME: Kıtaların nakliye gemilerinden çıkarma araçlarına, ağlar vasıtasıyla bindirilmesi
nose loading device
(Havacılık) burundan yükleyici araç
now loading
(Bilgisayar) şimdi yükleniyor
offshore loading
(Askeri) açık deniz yüklemesi
organizational unit loading
(Askeri) KITACA BİNDİRME; KITACA YÜKLEME: Bir bindirme ve yükleme usulü. Bu usulde; teşkiller, bütün teçhizat ve malzemeleri ile birlikte, aynı araç üzerinde taşınır. Fakat, bu bindirme ve yükleme, kıta ve teçhizatın aynı zamanda bindirilmesini mümkün kılacak şekilde-yani muharebe bindirmesi ve muharebe yüklemesi (combat loading) şeklinde-yapılmaz
partial loading
bölümsel yükleme
partial loading
kısmi yükleme
passenger loading
(Havacılık) yolcu bindirme
phantom circuit loading coil
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) fantom devre yükleme bobini
pigment loading
(İnşaat) pigment yükleme
plate loading test
plaka yükleme deneyi
preload loading
(Askeri) ÖN YÜKLEME, İLK YÜKLEME: Bir gemiye, bir başka limanda esas yükleme yapılmadan önce, seçilmiş maddelerin daha önceki bir limanda yüklenmesi
premium loading
(Sigorta) prim yüklemesi
principal loading case
asal yük durumu
principal loading case
ana yük durumu
principal loading case
ana yük hali
profile loading plan
(Askeri) kesit yükleme planı
profile loading plan
(Askeri) YÜKLEME PLANI KESİTİ; KESİT YÜKLEME PLANI: Yüklenmiş bir geminin; ambarlara istiflenmiş malzeme yükledikleri ambarlarda gösterilmiş teferruatlı listesiyle birlikte şematik kesiti. Bak. "stowage plan"
Englisch - Englisch
Present participle of load
The action of the verb to load

The loading of hazardous cargoes is not permitted.

A load, especially in the engineering and electrical engineering senses of force exerted, or electrical current or power supplied

The loading on the generators peaks during the early evening.

The rate of introduction of a constituent or contaminant to a receiving water from the environment, significant in relation to the volume and circulation of the receiving water, problems occur when high loadings occur into receiving waters with limited assimilative capacity
weight to be borne or conveyed
The transfer of funds from a demand deposit account in a bank to an online account (e g a CyberCash demand deposit account) so that the funds can be sent over the net to another company or individual
(n ) The process of putting the machine-language instructions of a program into memory
Generic term for the various loads, where relevant, exerted on a structure or elements of a structure including wind loads, snow loads, imposed loads for example those associated with accidental human impact, and dead loads such as self weight
The extent to which an individual is charged more than the "standard" or "average" rate for their insurance
the correlation between a variable and a factor See factor pattern coefficients, factor structure coefficients
the labor of loading something; "the loading took 2 hours" the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift
the amount of a material entering a system over a given time interval
A load; cargo; burden
Loading is a system for adding regularly spaced inductance units to a circuit to improve its transmission characteristics
The process of getting the driver and crew or brakeman into the sled
The addition of a substance to a water body
designed for use in loading e g cargo; "a loading dock"; "a loading chute is used to drive cattle into a truck or other conveyance"
The amount added to net premiums to cover the company's operating expenses and contingencies The loading includes the cost of securing new business, collection expenses, and general management expenses Precisely: The excess of the gross premiums over net premiums
{i} act of a person or thing that loads; something loaded, burden
The total amount added to an insurance policy's net premium to cover all of the insurer's costs of doing business
The act of putting a load on or into
a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time; "the system broke down under excessive loads"
The total amount of material (sediment or nutrients for example) entering a water body via streams, overland flow, precipitation, direct discharge, or other means over a specific time period (often annually)
The amount added to the pure insurance cost to cover the cost of the operations of an insurer, the possibility that losses will be greater than statistically expected, and fluctuating interest rates on the insurer's investments The "pure" insurance cost is that portion of the premium estimated to be necessary for losses (G)
to take on or in; just as one might load a laundry machine, a program might load in data; just as one might put things on a truck (up-load) or take things off the truck (down-load), one might upload files to a server computer or download files from a server computer
The process of bringing cargo into a means of transport or equipment
An additional rate or premium added to a basic rate or premium because of the additional risk involved for the insurance company
The force on an object or structure or element of a structure The loading due to blast is equal to the net pressure in excess of the ambient value multiplied by the area of the loaded object, etc See Diffraction, Drag loading
A charge that the insurer adds to the net premium to produce the gross premium actually paid by the policyowner The loading is designed to cover the operating expenses of the company, to compensate the company for the loss of income when policies lapse and to provide margins for profits and contributions to surplus
The extent to which an individual is charged more than the "standard" or "average" rate for their insurance This can be due to a bad claims history, age and sometimes even your gender
The amount that must be added to the pure premium for expenses, profit, and a margin for contingencies
the ratio of the gross weight of an airplane to some factor determining its lift
The process of creating a process for running an executable program file and setting up that process by copying (loading) the executable file
goods carried by a large vehicle
the labor of loading something; "the loading took 2 hours"
Syn: Charging In kiln drying, refers to the placement of the stickered packages or kiln truckloads of lumber or other wood products in the dry kiln preparatory to starting the kiln run
The amount added to the pure premium for any type of insurance of a pension program to cover expenses, profits, and/or possible deviation of experience
loading screen
A graphical display shown while a program loads (e.g. from cassette tape), comparable to the splash screen in modern software

So, as long as you don't mind the substantial lack of 'player involvement', and the strange purple-skinned people on the loading screen, Tie-Break is a neatly put-together and enjoyable game.

loading screens
plural form of loading screen
loading space
The shaped cavity in a compression mold in which the substance to be molded is loaded
loading zone
An area of a street or a parking lot indicating that spot is only to be used for the immediate loading or unloading of passengers, baggage or freight, or short term parking (10 minutes or less) is permitted for that purpose
loading zones
plural form of loading zone
loading dock
A loading dock is an architectural fixture where trucks may be loaded and unloaded. They are commonly found on large commercial and industrial buildings
loading and unloading of freight
loading or unloading of goods on a ship and arranging them in warehouses
loading apron
{i} mobile platform on a ship that enables cars or other cargo to be moved on and off
loading area
a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded
loading bay
an area at the side of a large shop or warehouse from which goods are taken off or put onto trucks
loading dock
a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded
loading of overhead expenses
charging of a business' overhead costs to different accounts (such as rental costs vs. production costs)
loading program
A sequence of instructions that starts the processing of a computer program entered by means of an automatic input device
loading zone
a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded
cargo; "a loading dock"; "a loading chute is used to drive cattle into a truck or other conveyance
designed for use in loading e
Such that ammunition is loaded at the rear of the bore
A certain number of articles or quantity of material that can be transported or processed at one time

She put another load of clothes in the washing machine.

Used to form nouns that indicate a large quantity, often corresponding to the capacity of a vehicle
A very small explosive inserted as a gag into a cigarette or cigar
The force exerted on a structural component such as a beam, girder, cable etc

Each of the cross-members must withstand a tensile load of 1,000 newtons.

The electrical current or power delivered by a device

I'm worried that the load on that transformer will be too high.

A worry or concern to be endured, especially in the phrase a load off one's mind
The volume of work required to be performed

Will our web servers be able to cope with that load?.

A slang term for semen

Yeah, she was suckin' on me and I blew my load right in her face.

A burden; a weight to be carried

I struggled up the hill with the heavy load in my rucksack.

A unit of measure, often equivalent to the capacity of a waggon, but later becoming more specific measures of weight

If this load equals its modern representative, it contains 18 cwt. of dry, 19 of new hay.

To ask or adapt a question so that it will be more likely to be answered in a certain way
Describing a gun in which the ammunition is loaded at the front of the barrel
slot-loading disc drive
A feed drive
unit per capita loading
Population equivalent or unit per capita loading, (PE), in waste-water treatment is the number expressing the ratio of the sum of the pollution load produced during 24 hours by industrial facilities and services to the individual pollution load in household sewage produced by one person in the same time
{n} a burden, freight, leading vein in a mine
{v} to burden, freight, charge, encumber
surface loading rate
(Mühendislik) The surface loading rate is a hydraulic loading factor expressed in terms of flow per surface area. This factor is also referred to as the “surface settling rate” or “surface overflow rate.”
bill of loading
bill of lading, document stating information concerning a shipment of goods
(of guns) designed to be loaded at the breech
carbohydrate loading
A dietary practice that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscle tissue through the consumption of extra quantities of high-starch foods. Some marathoners and other endurance athletes follow this practice prior to competition
carbohydrate loading
a diet of foods high in starch that increases carbohydrate reserves in muscles; "carbo loading is used by endurance athletes just before competing
front-end loading
deducting of a portion of the cost of a loan from the actual sum received by the borrower
fill or place a load on; "load a car"; "load the truck with hay"
The portion of the offering price of shares of open-end investment companies in excess of the value of the underlying assets Covers sales commissions and all other costs of distribution The load is usually incurred only on purchase, there being, in most cases, no charge when the shares are sold (redeemed)
(Ticaret) The amount of planned and actual demand placed on a resource for a given time period that determines its requirements and can be used in calculating over- or under-capacity situations
A load is something, usually a large quantity or heavy object, which is being carried. He drove by with a big load of hay He was carrying a very heavy load
a deposit of valuable ore occurring within definite boundaries separating it from surrounding rocks
To fill (a firearm or artillery) with munition
That which burdens, oppresses, or grieves the mind or spirits; as, a load of care
To magnetize
A worry or concern to be endured, especially in the phrase a load off ones mind
Usually used with up-load or down-load, it means to transfer files or software -- to "load" -- from one computer or server to another computer or server In other words, it's the movement of information online
The charge of a firearm; as, a load of powder
The quantity which can be carried or drawn in some specified way; the contents of a cart, barrow, or vessel; that which will constitute a cargo; lading
To tamper with so as to produce a biased outcome. Often used figuratively, to indicate the gaining of an advantage
(1) The amount of electrical power required at a given point on a system (2) The average demand on electrical equipment or on an electric system
The load on something is the amount of weight that is pressing down on it or the amount of strain that it is under. Some of these chairs have flattened feet which spread the load on the ground High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart
Weight or violence of blows
The amount of power that is drawn from a utility system at a given point in time The peak load is the highest amount of power drawn down at anyone time, or the utilities maximum capacity or demand
the front part of a guided missile or rocket or torpedo that carries the nuclear or explosive charge or the chemical or biological agents
The amount of electric power delivered or required at any specified point on the system Load originates at the equipment of the customer A light bulb is a load
put (something) on a structure or conveyance; "load the bags onto the trucks"
electrical device to which electrical power is delivered
The commission fee (known as a sales charge) paid by an investor who buys shares in a mutual fund or insurance policy A front-end load, perhaps 5 5%, is imposed when an investor first purchases shares in the fund as well as any subsequent shares A back-end load is charged when an investor takes money out of the fund, though this charge usually declines to nothing after five or six years
weight to be borne or conveyed electrical device to which electrical power is delivered the power output of a generator or power plant an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate; "he got a load on and started a brawl"
The load of a system or piece of equipment, especially a system supplying electricity or a computer, is the extent to which it is being used at a particular time. An efficient bulb may lighten the load of power stations Several processors can share the load of handling data in a single program
Any component that draws current or power from an electrical circuit
The work done by a steam engine or other prime mover when working
To fill the bases with runners
The tire load is a term for the weight placed on a tire The larger the load, the bigger the contact patch which in turn will increase the grip of the tire It is important to understand that the load shifts and changes during a drive In every corner the load is shifted to the side, during acceleration it is shifted to the back, under braking to the front Tires are constantly loaded and unloaded, which needs to be understood by every race driver
To lay a load or burden on or in, as on a horse or in a cart; to charge with a load, as a gun; to furnish with a lading or cargo, as a ship; hence, to add weight to, so as to oppress or embarrass; to heap upon
A charge added to mutual funds which covers sales commissions and all other costs of distribution The load, usually a percentage of the money invested in the fund, may be charged as a front-end, on the purchase of the fund, or as a back-end, when the fund is sold or redeemed
Refers to the amount of force placed on the objective piece from either percussion or pressure Load is generally increased when going from pressure flaking to percussion flaking and from soft hammer to hard hammer The application of a force
To read (data or a program) from a storage medium into computer memory
To transfer from a storage medium into computer memory
the power output of a generator or power plant
an amount of alcohol sufficient to intoxicate; "he got a load on and started a brawl"
Also known as sales charge The maximum amount charged on the initial purchase of a fund that carries a load, expressed as a percentage of the offer price The percentage may decrease for large purchases of the fund
A large number or amount
A burden; that which is laid on or put in anything for conveyance; that which is borne or sustained; a weight; as, a heavy load
If you load a vehicle or a container, you put a large quantity of things into it. The three men seemed to have finished loading the truck Mr. Dambar had loaded his plate with lasagne They load all their equipment into backpacks She deposited the loaded tray. Load up means the same as load. I've just loaded my truck up The giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off We loaded up carts with all the blankets, bandages, medication, water we could spare She loaded up his collection of vintage wines into crates. + loading load·ing the loading of baggage onto international flights
The sales charge that some fund companies include when you buy or sell their mutual funds Some funds have a "front-end" load, meaning you pay the sales charge at the time of purchase Some funds have a "back-end" load, meaning the sales charge is paid at the time of the sale
When someone loads a weapon such as a gun, they put a bullet or missile in it so that it is ready to use. I knew how to load and handle a gun He carried a loaded gun
The quantity of sediment transported by a current It includes the suspended load of small particles in the water, and the bedload of large particles that move along the bottom
{i} something carried, burden; unit of measure or weight; capacity; amount of work which must be done (by a person, machine, etc.); something which weighs down on or oppresses; weight which rests on a structure or part
goods carried by a large vehicle
A particular measure for certain articles, being as much as may be carried at one time by the conveyance commonly used for the article measured; as, a load of wood; a load of hay; specifically, five quarters
a load off your mind: see mind see also loaded
A device, component, appliance, system, or machine to which an electrical force (voltage) is applied Resistance is inherent in the structure of a load and is an integral part of an electrical or electronic circuit
A device that consumes or converts the power delivered by another device
(elec) (meas) The output of one or several electric machines or transformers Load also denotes the POWER carried by a particular circuit F - charge S - carga
To put a load on (something)
To insert (an item or items) into an apparatus so as to ready it for operation, such as a reel of film into a camera, sheets of paper into a printer etc
To adulterate or drug; as, to load wine
There are two popular meanings for load The first means to fetch some data or a program from a disk and store it in memory The second indicates the amount of work a component (especially a processor) is being made to do
weight to be borne or conveyed
an end-use device or an end-use customer that receives power from the electric system Load should not be confused with Demand, which is the measure of power that a Load receives or requires
emphasis If you refer to a load of people or things or loads of them, you are emphasizing that there are a lot of them. I've got loads of money His people came up with a load of embarrassing information a load of kids
A sales charge assessed by certain mutual funds (load funds) to cover selling costs A front-end load is charged at the time of purchase A back-end load is charged at the time of sale
A sales charge for buying or selling a mutual fund For initial, or front-end, loads, this figure is expressed as a percentage of the initial investment and is incurred upon purchase of fund shares For back-end loads, the amount charged is based on the lesser of the initial or final value of the shares sold See "Cost Control " BACK TO TOP
Short for download and upload If someone asks how long did the page take to load? They are referring to the time it takes a page to appear on your screen If a web page is loading slow it means that it's taking a long time to fully appear on your screen You can often scroll through a page and look at the parts that have loaded while the rest of the page continues to load Also, you can usually click a link on the page you are loading and link to another page without waiting for the current page to fully load
A commission paid by an investor to a broker for the purchase or sale of a mutual fund
a quantity that can be processed or transported at one time; "the system broke down under excessive loads"
{f} fill, burden, pack (with goods, cargo, etc.); overload, supply with an overly large amount; add weight to; put ammunition in a firearm; insert into; oppress, weigh down upon
A commission charged by the sponsor of a mutual fund upon the purchase or sale of shares
The portion of the price of buying shares in a mutual fund that goes for the salesperson's fees and the costs of making the transaction and maintaining the fund
You can refer to the amount of work you have to do as a load. She's taking some of the load off the secretaries
put (something) on a structure or conveyance; "load the bags onto the trucks
provide with munition; "He loaded his gun carefully"
To load a camera or other piece of equipment means to put film, tape, or data into it so that it is ready to use. A photographer from the newspaper was loading his camera with film The data can subsequently be loaded on a computer for processing
an onerous or difficult concern; "the burden of responsibility"; "that's a load off my mind"
This is a fee paid when investing in a fund There are two common types of load associated with mutual fund investing: front-end loads and back-end loads Front-end loads are initial fees that are charged when you buy into a fund Back-end loads are fees that are incurred when taking your investment out of a fund In our data, only funds with no front-end or back-end loads and with 12b-1 fees of less than 25% are considered no-load funds You should care because you'll have to pay them If a fund charges loads, find out which kind they are and how much they'll cost you, then decide whether you think the fund is worth it You can always choose to invest in pure no-load funds–which means, of course, a smaller pool of funds to choose from
plural of loading
(of firearms) taking the projectile or cartridge through the muzzle
power loading
the ratio of the weight of an airplane to its engine power
power loading
The ratio of the gross weight to the horsepower rating of the rotorcraft's engine
power loading
System loads and ejects CD or tape automatically
power loading
The weight of an aircraft divided by its maximum horse power
power loading
- The system loads and ejects CD or tape automatically
self loading rifle
rifle that loads a new bullet after each round of firing
independently loading
span loading
the ratio of the weight of an airplane to its wingspan
surface loading
The weight supported per square unit of surface; the quotient obtained by dividing the gross weight, in pounds, of a fully loaded flying machine, by the total area, in square feet, of its supporting surface
wing loading
the ratio of the weight of an airplane to its wing area
wing loading
The gross weight of an airplane divided by the wing area. Used in stress analysis
Türkisch - Englisch

Definition von loading im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch

(Mimarlık) allowable load



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    /ˈlōdəɴɢ/ /ˈloʊdɪŋ/


    ... But that doesn't mean loading the ...