live up

listen to the pronunciation of live up
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von live up im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

live up to
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- -e uyarak yaşamak , belli bir düzeye erişmek 2- (vaadini) yerine getirmek
live it up
(deyim) eğlenmek
live up to
-e uygun olmak
live it up
gününü gün etmek
live it up
(deyim) eglenmek
live it up
hızlı yaşamak
live up to

Ününüze ulaşmak çok zor. - It is very hard to live up to your reputation.

Englisch - Englisch
(followed by to) To fulfil the expectations placed upon

The holidays didn't live up to the advertiser's claims.

live it up
To have a wonderful life; to live fully and have fun

Just as any grandmother or grandfather will tell you that their best days were spent during the Depression, anyone who was 18 and living it up in 1968 will tell you they spent their better days at this time.

live it up
enjoy oneself; "it's your birthday, so let's live it up!
live it up
enjoy oneself; "it's your birthday, so let's live it up!"
live up to
fulfill someone's expectations; achieve a standard of a predetermined level (i.e. criterion set by one's own expectations or another person's example)
live up to
If someone or something lives up to what they were expected to be, they are as good as they were expected to be. Sales have not lived up to expectations this year
live up to
fulfil the requirements or expectations of
live up

    Türkische aussprache

    layv ʌp


    /ˈlīv ˈəp/ /ˈlaɪv ˈʌp/

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    live up to


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