Oily substances that include things like fats, oils and waxes Sebum is made up of lipids A particular kind of lipid, free fatty acids, are irritating to the skin
Diverse class compounds, including fats, oils, fatty acids, triglycerides and steroids essential for membrane formation, energy stores and fuel molecules
Another name for fats People with kidney failure tend to have raised lipid levels in the blood
Group of fatty substances that are stored in the body and can be measured in the blood; they include high-density lipoproteins (HDL; "good cholesterol"), low-density lipoproteins (LDL; "bad cholesterol"), and triglycerides, among other compounds
Lipids are also known as fats, but they include compounds of many different kinds Chemically, these compounds are built on a backbone of glycerol, which was a three-carbon chain Each carbon, in turn, bonds via an oxygen molecule to so-called fatty acids Fatty acids have an acid group (COOH) at one end that is attached to a chain of carbons Lipids differ mainly in the nature of the fatty acid chains
liquid fats; fats or fat-like substances, characterized by their insolubility in water and solubility in fat solvents such as alcohol, ether or chloroform A descriptive rather than chemical term Includes "true" fats (esters of fatty acids and glycerol); lipoids (phospholipids, cerebrosides, waxes); and sterols (cholesterol, ergosterol)
oily substances that include, fats, oils and waxes Sebum, the oily secretion from sebaceous glands, is made up of lipids