
listen to the pronunciation of linear
Englisch - Türkisch

Sistem doğrusal mıdır? - Is the system linear?

Dünya savaşı hayali, doğrusal bir dinle ilişkilendirilebilir. - The dream of world war may be linked to a linear religion.

{s} çizgisel
pek ince ve uzun linear equation doğrusal denklem
çizgilerden ibaret
{s} linear
yalnız bir derecelik niceliklere ait
çizgiye ait
{s} birinci derece
aynı istikameti haiz
linear measure uzunluk öIçüsü
boy ölçüsü
doğrusal Aritmetik
linear array
doğrusal dizilim
linear drawing
(Sanat) çizgi resim
linear estimator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğrusal kestirici
linear function
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) doğrusal işlev
linear model
(Bilgisayar,İstatistik,Teknik) doğrusal model
linear models
doğrusal modeller
linear momentum
(Fizik) çizgisel momentum
linear momentum
(Fizik) doğrusal momentum
linear movement
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal hareket
linear operator
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğrusal işleç
linear operators
doğrusal operatörler
linear phase
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğrusal evre
linear programme
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal programlama
linear regression
(Dilbilim) doğrusal eğilim
linear scale
(Bilgisayar,İstatistik,Teknik) doğrusal ölçek
linear scale
(Askeri) çizgi ölçek
linear system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğrusal sistem
linear system
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal dizge
linear systems
doğrusal sistemler
linear trend
(Bilgisayar,Ticaret) doğrusal eğilim
linear velocity
çizgisel hız
linear acceleration
çizgisel ivme
linear accelerator
lineer hızlandırıcı
linear algebra
doğrusal cebir
linear algebraic equation
doğrusal cebirsel denklem
linear amplifier
doğrusal yükselteç
linear amplifier
lineer kuvvetlendirici
linear amplifier
lineer amplifikatör
linear associative algebra
doğrusal birleşmeli cebir
linear combination
lineer kombinasyon
linear differential equation
doğrusal diferansiyel denklem
linear distortion
lineer distorsiyon
linear element
doğrusal eleman
linear equation
doğrusal denklem
linear expansion
boyca genişleme
linear expansion
doğrusal genleşme
linear form
lineer form
linear function
lineer fonksiyon
linear independence
doğrusal bağımsızlık
linear inequality
doğrusal eşitsizlik
linear interpolation
lineer interpolasyon
linear isomorphism
doğrusal eşyapı dönüşümü
linear iteration
doğrusal yineleme
linear lattice
lineer kafes
linear leaf
doğrusal yaprak
linear manifold
doğrusal manifolt
linear measure
boy ölçüsü
linear measure
uzunluk ölçüsü
linear modulation
doğrusal modülasyon
linear modulation
lineer modülasyon
linear molecule
doğrusal molekül
linear motor
lineer motor
linear network
lineer şebeke
linear ordering
doğrusal sıralama
linear oscillator
doğrusal osilatör
linear perspective
doğrusal perspektif
linear program
doğrusal program
linear programming
lineer programlama
linear rectification
lineer doğrultma
linear rectifier
doğrusal redresör
linear regression
lineer regresyon
linear representation
lineer temsil
linear resistor
lineer direnç
linear scan
lineer tarama
linear scan
doğrusal tarama
linear search
doğrusal arama
linear space
linear space
doğrusal uzay
linear subspace
doğrusal altuzay
linear sweep
lineer süpürme
linear system
lineer sistem
linear transducer
lineer dönüştürücü
linear transformation
doğrusal dönüşüm
linear velocity
lineer hız
linear a
linear action
doğrusal hareket
linear approximation
Lineer yaklaşıklık
linear dependence
lineer bağımlılık
linear fashion
Doğrusal yol, doğrusal metod
linear foot
doğrusal ayak
linear isomorphism
doğrusal esyapi dönüşümü
linear meter
(İnşaat) Metretül
linear optics
Çizgisel optik, doğrusal optik
linear paper
doğrusal kağıt
linear absorption coefficient
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrusal soğurma katsayısı
linear accelerator
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrusal hızlandırıcı,lineer akseleratör
linear accelerator
(Biyoloji) radyoterapide kullanılan x ışını cihazı
linear accelerator
doğrusal ivmelendirici,radyoterapide kullanılan x
linear accent
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal aksan
linear algebras
doğrusal cebir
linear algebras
doğrusal cebır
linear approach
doğrusal yaklaşım
linear arithmetic
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal aritmetik
linear book
(Askeri) doğrusal kitap
linear building frontage
(Askeri) LİNEER YAPI CEPHESİ: Hava fotoğrafçılığı yorumunda homojen bir sahadaki yapıların yan yükseklikleri için kullanılan bir terim
linear defence
(Askeri) hat savunması
linear defense
(Askeri) HAT SAVUNMASI: Derinliği çok az veya hiç olmayan mevzilerde savunma Bu gibi savunmalarda, mevcut kuvvetler genişliğine yayılır ve ihtiyat çok az ayrılır veya hiç ayrılmaz. Bu mevzilerde yapılacak savunma geçicidir
linear density
doğrusal yoğunluk
linear detector
dogrusal algilayici  (sezici)
linear detector
doğrusal algılayıcı
linear detector
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal algılayıcı sezici
linear diffuser
doğrusal menfez
linear diffuser
çizgisel-düz menfez
linear discriminant
dogrusal ayirtac
linear distance
(Askeri) uzunlamasına mesafe
linear distance
(Askeri) BOYUNA MESAFE, UZUNLAMASINA MESAFE: Gözetleme istikametinde iki nokta arasındaki mesafe
linear distance
(Askeri) boyuna mesafe
linear drainage
lineer drenaj
linear drive
(Tekstil) düz tahrik
linear electron accelerator
(Nükleer Bilimler) (linac) doğrusal elektron artifical element
linear element
(Matematik) doğrusal öğe
linear energy transfer
(Nükleer Bilimler) (let) doğrusal enerji aktarımı (aktarılması)
linear energy transfer
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrusal enerji aktarılması
linear equation
birinci derece denklem
linear estimator
dogrusal kestirici
linear expansion
boy uzaması
linear exrapolation distance
(Nükleer Bilimler) lineer dışarlama uzaklığı
linear flow
lineer drenaj
linear form
(Matematik) doğrusal biçim
linear grid
doğrusal ızgara
linear impulse
(Fizik) doğrusal impals
linear integrated circuit
dogrusal tumdevre
linear isometry
(Matematik) doğrusal izometri
linear iteration
(Matematik) doğrusal tekrar
linear jog step
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal hareket adımı
linear lattice
(Matematik) doğrusal örgü
linear lattice
(Matematik) doğrusal latis
linear leaf
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) şeritsi yaprak
linear load
lineer yük
linear log
(Ticaret) doğrusal logaritmik fonksiyon
linear manifold
(Matematik) doğrusal katman
linear manifold
(Matematik) doğrusal manifold
linear mapping
(Matematik) doğrusal fonksiyon
linear mapping
(Matematik) doğrusal gönderim
linear mapping
(Matematik) doğrusal dönüşüm
linear mapping
(Matematik) doğrusal görüntüleme
linear measure
uzunluk ölçüleri
linear measure
uzunluk ölçme sistemi
linear measurement
linear measurement
linear model
dogrusal model
linear mosaic
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal mozaik
linear ordering
(Matematik) tamsıralama
linear phase
dogrusal evre
linear process
(İstatistik) doğrusal süreç
linear pulse amlifier
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrusal darbe yükseltici
linear rectifier
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) doğrusal doğrultmaç
linear regression equation
dogrusal baglanim denklemi
linear relation
(Matematik) lineer bağımlı vektörler
linear scale
(Askeri) ÇİZGİ ÖLÇEK: Belli bir ölçekte çizgisel uzaklıkları belirtilen taksimatı havi çizgi
linear scaling
(Bilgisayar) doğrusal ölçeklendirme
linear script
(Dilbilim) çizgisel abece yazısı
linear shrinkage
lineer büzülme (rötre)
linear shrinkage
lineer rötre
linear shrinkage
boysal çekme
linear speed method
(Askeri) DÜZ HIZ USULÜ: Atış esaslarını hesaplama usulü. Bu usulde; hareket halindeki bir hedefin ileride alacağı mevki, mermi uçuş istikameti ile hedefin yer hızı bulunarak tayin edilir. Yer hızı merminin uçuş süresiyle çarpılmakla, hedefin ileride bulunacağı nokta tespit edilmiş olur. Düz hız usulü ile açısal hız usulü, atış esaslarının hesaplanmasında kullanılan iki usuldür. Bak. "angular travel method"
linear stopping power
(Nükleer Bilimler) see stopping power
linear strain
lineer deformasyon
linear strain
tineer uzama
linear stress
lineer gerilme
linear structure
linear yapı
linear syllabus
(Dilbilim) sarmal izlence
linear target
(Askeri) hat hedefi
linear target
(Askeri) HAT HEDEFİ: Kol düzenindeki kıta, demiryolu katarı veya kamyon kolu gibi dar ve uzun hedef
linear time invariant
dogrusal zamanda degismez
linear town
bant şehir
linear town
doğrusal kasaba
linear units
uzunluk birimleri
linear vibration
(Çevre) lineer titreşim
linear viscocity
(Tıp) doğrusal vizkozite
linear waves
(Askeri) lineer dalgalar
linac Linear Electron Accelerator
(Nükleer Bilimler) doğrusal elektron hızlandırıcısı
doğrusal olarak
piecewise linear
(Matematik) parçalı doğrusal
stable linear system
(Bilgisayar) kararlı doğrusal dizge
stable linear system
kararlı doğrusal sistem
coefficient of linear expansion
doğrusal genleşme katsayısı
complex linear space
karmaşık doğrusal uzay
got into linear form
düzgün şekle gir
make linear
doğrusal hale getir
non linear
doğrusal olmayan
non linear molecule
eğri molekül
combined linear congruential generators
birleştirilmiş lineer eşleşiksel üreteçler
constant linear velocity
sabit çizgisel hız
log linear model
logaritmik doğrusal model
metric linear unit
metrik doğrusal birim
non linear data structure
doğrusal olmayan veri yapısı
got into linear form
düzgün şekle girmek
laser eye protection; linear error probable
(Askeri) lazer göz koruma; doğrusal hata ihtimalli
ordered linear space
(Matematik) sıralı doğrusal uzay
partially ordered linear space
(Matematik) kısmi sıralı doğrusal uzay
stability of a linear system
do¤rusal bir sistemin kararlili¤i
stable linear system
kararli do¤rusal sistem
Englisch - Englisch
A comet, cataloged as “C/1999 S4”, discovered on September 27, 1999, by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research program in New Mexico. (See ) Sometimes spelled LINEAR
Having the form of a line; straight
Pertaining or related to lines
Of, or related to a class of polynomial of the form y = a.x + b
A type of length measurement involving only one spatial dimension (as opposed to area or volume)
Long and narrow, with nearly parallel sides
Made in a step-by-step, logical manner
of the nature of a line
{n} composed of or like lines, strait
A comet, cataloged as "C/1999 S4", discovered on September 27, 1999, by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research program in New Mexico
{s} straight; one dimensional; pertaining to length; involving or resembling lines; narrow and elongated; involving linear functions or equations (Mathematics)
(of leaves) Elongated, and with parallel sides
of or in or along or relating to a line; involving a single dimension; "a linear foot" designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree measured lengthwise; "cost of lumber per running foot" of a leaf shape; long and narrow
extremely straight, long and narrow with parallel sides
Linear curve is made up of straight line segments that join control points Should not be used when smooth shapes are needed
Long and narrow, with the sides almost parallel See drawing of leaf shapes
Like a line; narrow; of the same breadth throughout, except at the extremities; as, a linear leaf
The section of the AU that performs non-linear arithmetic operations
Pertaining to a straight line
An equation or graph is linear if the graph of an equation is a straight line
of a leaf shape; long and narrow
Type of relationship between variables in which a one-unit change in one variable is associated with a constant change in the other variable in the same or opposite direction; when plotted forms a straight line
Melodic; horizontal lines
Long and narrow with parallel margins
of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input; "analogue device"; "linear amplifier"
A dose-response curve that increases or decreases in a straight line
long, narrow, grass-like or strap-like leaf
of or in or along or relating to a line; involving a single dimension; "a linear foot"
in mathematics: a relationship is which a variable is proportional to another variable or the sum of a set of variables Example: a straight line that goes through the origin This relation has the form Y=aX
A linear process or development is one in which something changes or progresses straight from one stage to another, and has a starting point and an ending point. the linear view of time, with the idea that the past is moving into the present and the present into the future
long and narrow with parallel sides lip lobe of a flower in which petals are fused lobed divided into segments, usually round
Of or pertaining to a line; consisting of lines; in a straight direction; lineal
Long and narrow, with parallel margins
a (L linea, line) long and slender with parallel or nearly parallel sides
Linear movement or force occurs in a straight line rather than in a curve. adj. Linear A and Linear B linear accelerator linear algebra linear approximation linear programming linear transformation
A type of length measurement involving only one spatial dimension
Long and narrow Literally, like a line
(1) Having an output that varies in direct proportion to the input ; or, (2) A ratio in which a change in one of two related quantities is accompanied by a directly proportional change in the other
designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree measured lengthwise; "cost of lumber per running foot"
this term is used when costs and relationships we are describing are straight lines when they are put onto a graph The formula for a straight line is Y = a + bX (see total cost) Non linear is the term used when costs, revenues and other relationships are curved lines when put onto a graph
If the input is increased by a factor of, say 1 2, then the output increases by a factor of 1 2, no more and no less This is the ideal for all parts of a sound system, since no distortion is introduced
1 Referring to mechanical movement, the ability of the voice coil to move in and out in the air gap without moving side-to-side Non-linear movement can damage the voice coil 4 2 Referring to speaker response, the ability to maintain power or movement without loss of drive force 4 3 Referring to port operation, the relationship bewteen the amount of air moving through the port vs the amount of air moved by the cone Non-linear response in a port causes audible distortion 4
measured lengthwise; "cost of lumber per running foot"
very narrow and elongated, having parallel sides (see pictorial glossary)
Aside from its geometric meaning, linear describes systems in which an output is directly proportional to an input In particular, a linear °elastic system is one in which the internal displacements are (at equilibrium) directly proportional to applied forces
A linear shape or form consists of straight lines. the sharp, linear designs of the Seventies and Eighties
long and narrow
designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree
Linear A
a syllabary used to write the as-yet-undeciphered Minoan language, and an apparent predecessor to other scripts, such as Linear B
Linear B
a syllabary used to write Mycenaean Greek in the second millennium BC, before the invention of the Greek alphabet
linear algebra
An algebra over a field
linear algebra
The branch of mathematics that deals with vectors, vector spaces, linear transformations and systems of linear equations
linear algebraic
of, or relating to linear algebra
linear combination
a sum, each of whose summands is an appropriate vector times an appropriate scalar (or ring element)
linear combinations
plural form of linear combination
linear dependence
The state of being linearly dependent
linear dependence
A linear relation between some appropriate things

Plural: linear dependencies.

linear equation
A polynomial equation of the first degree (such as x = 2y - 7)
linear equations
plural form of linear equation
linear function
Any function whose graph is a straight line
linear function
Any function of the sum of two variables whose value is the same as the sum of the values of the same function of the two variables singly
linear functional
A linear mapping from a vector space to its field of scalars
linear functions
plural form of linear function
linear independence
the state of being linearly independent
linear operator
An operator L such that for functions f and g and scalar λ, L (f + g) = L f + L g and L λf = λ L f
linear operators
plural form of linear operator
linear pair
The two supplementary adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines
linear pairs
plural form of linear pair
linear programming
the branch of mathematics concerned with the minimization or maximization of a linear function of several variables and inequalities; used in many branches of industry to minimize costs or maximize production
linear system
A mathematical model of a system based on the use of a linear operator
linear transformation
A map between vector spaces which respects addition and multiplication
linear transformations
plural form of linear transformation
linear approximation
In mathematics, a linear approximation is an approximation of a general function using a linear function (more precisely, an affine function). They are widely used in the method of finite differences to produce first order methods for solving or approximating solutions to equations
linear dependency
In linear algebra, a family of vectors is linearly independent if none of them can be written as a linear combination of finitely many other vectors in the collection. A family of vectors which is not linearly independent is called linearly dependent
Linear A and Linear B
Linear forms of writing used by Aegean civilizations during the 2nd millennium BC. Examples of Linear A, a syllabary (a writing system in which one character represents a whole syllable) written from left to right, date from 1850 BC to 1400 BC. The language written in Linear A remains unknown. Linear B, adapted from Linear A, was borrowed from the Minoan civilization by the Mycenaean Greeks, probably 1600 BC, and used to write the Mycenaean Greek dialect. Examples of Linear B script have been found on clay tablets and vases from 1400-1200 BC. These texts represent the oldest known form of Greek. Linear B was deciphered as Greek in 1952 by Michael Ventris and John Chadwick
Linear B
A syllabic script used in Mycenaean Greek documents chiefly from Crete and Pylos, mostly from the 14th to the 12th century
linear a
an undeciphered writing system used in Crete in the 17th century B
linear accelerator
linear accelerator
A machine that creates high-energy radiation to treat cancers, using electricity to form a stream of fast-moving subatomic particles
linear accelerator
A device for accelerating ions along a straight-line path for use in nuclear reactions
linear accelerator
A device used for accelerating charged particles along a straight line path
linear accelerator
A medical device, that can rotate about the patient, that generates various energies of x-rays and electron beams for radiation therapy treatment
linear accelerator
An electron, a proton, or a heavy-ion accelerator in which the paths of the particles accelerated are essentially straight lines rather than circles or spirals. Also called linac. or linac Type of particle accelerator that imparts a series of relatively small increases in energy to subatomic particles as they pass through a sequence of alternating electric fields set up in a linear structure. The small accelerations add together to give the particles a greater energy than could be achieved by the voltage used in one section alone. One of the world's longest linacs is the 2-mi (3.2-km) machine at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, which can accelerate electrons to energies of 50 billion electron volts. Much smaller linacs, both proton and electron types, have important practical applications in medicine and industry
linear accelerator
A type of radiotherapy treatment machine
linear accelerator
ions are accelerated along a linear path by voltage differences on electrodes along the path
linear accelerator
Equipment that precisely delivers a concentrated dose of radiation to a predetermined target using x-rays
linear accelerator
A type of particle accelerator in which charged particles are accelerated in a straight line, either by a steady electrical field or by means of radiofrequency electric fields In the latter variety, the passage of the particle is synchronized with the phase of the accelerating field The SLAC Linear Accelerator (linac) is a two-mile long accelerator, consisting of a cylindrical, disc-loaded, copper waveguide placed on concrete girders in a tunnel about 25 feet underground More Information: Accelerator Form and Function, SLAC Linear Collider, Next Linear Collider
linear accelerator
Particle accelerator laid out in a straight line
linear accelerator
a treatment machine that delivers x-rays or electrons The machine gets its energy from an electrical source It does not contain radioactive elements When the electrical power on this machine is turned off, there is no remaining radiation in the room
linear accelerator
A device for accelerating particles in a straight line through many stages of small potential difference
linear accelerator
A machine that creates high-energy radiation to treat cancers, using electricity to form a stream of fast-moving subatomic particles Also called a megavoltage (MeV) linear accelerator or "linac" (pronounced LYNN-ack)
linear accelerator
Modern radiation equipment capable of delivering x-rays at very high energies
linear algebra
branch of algebra (Mathematics)
linear algebra
the part of algebra that deals with the theory of linear equations and linear transformation
linear algebra
Branch of algebra concerned with methods of solving systems of linear equations; more generally, the mathematics of linear transformations and vector spaces. "Linear" refers to the form of the equations involved in two dimensions, ax + by = c. Geometrically, this represents a line. If the variables are replaced by vectors, functions, or derivatives, the equation becomes a linear transformation. A system of equations of this type is a system of linear transformations. Because it shows when such a system has a solution and how to find it, linear algebra is essential to the theory of mathematical analysis and differential equations. Its applications extend beyond the physical sciences into, for example, biology and economics
linear approximation
In mathematics, the process of finding a straight line that closely fits a curve (function) at some location. Expressed as the linear equation y = ax + b, the values of a and b are chosen so that the line meets the curve at the chosen location, or value of x, and the slope of the line equals the rate of change of the curve (derivative of the function) at that location. For most curves, linear approximations are good only very close to the chosen x. Yet much of the theory of calculus, including the fundamental theorem of calculus and the mean-value theorem for derivatives, is based on such approximations
linear b
a syllabic script used in Greece in the 13th century B
linear combination
An expression of first order, composed of the sums and differences of elements with coefficients in a field, such as the field of real numbers
linear dependence
The property of a set of vectors having at least one linear combination equal to zero when at least one of the coefficients is not equal to zero
linear equation
Linear equation in one variable can be written in the form ax = b, a 0 A linear equation in two variables can be written in the form ax + by = c
linear equation
An equation whereby letters represent real numbers and whose graph is a line
linear equation
This is an equation, such as y = x + 2, which produces a graph which is a straight line
linear equation
An equation with two variables (x and y) that takes the general form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept
linear equation
a polynomial equation of the first degree
linear equation
An algebraic equation, such as y = 2x + 7 or 3x + 2y - z = 4, in which the highest degree term in the variable or variables is of the first degree. The graph of such an equation is a straight line if there are two variables
linear equation
An equation of the form ax + b = 0 is a linear equation with x being the unknown variable For example, the equation 2x - 9 = 3 is a linear equation which can be re-written as 2x - 12 = 0
linear equation
in one variable can be written in the form Ax + B = C where A, B, and C are real numbers and A 0
linear equation
An equation containing linear expressions
linear field
linear velocity, linear speed
linear function
A function, that when applied to consecutive whole numbers, generates a sequence with a constant difference between consecutive terms (Lesson 1 4)
linear function
A function of the form f(x) = mx + b where m and b are some fixed numbers The names "m" and "b" are traditional Functions of this kind are called "linear" because their graphs are straight lines (cfLinear Functions)
linear function
A function f given by a formula of the type f(x) = ax + b, where a and b are specific numbers
linear heir
immediate offspring of a deceased person who is entitled by law to inheritance
linear independence
The property of a set of vectors of having no linear combinations equal to zero unless all of the coefficients are equal to zero
linear leaf
a long slender leaf
linear measure
a measure of length
linear measure
measurement of length
linear momentum
physical dimension of movement, speed in a straight direction
linear movement
movement in a straight line
linear network
communications system that has is not wireless
linear operator
an operator that obeys the distributive law: A(f+g) = Af + Ag (where f and g are function)
linear perspective
A form of perspective in drawing and painting in which parallel lines are represented as converging so as to give the illusion of depth and distance
linear programming
Technique for determining the optimum outcome from situations represented by linear equations and constraints Linear relationships give a straight line graph, while nonlinear relationships give a curve
linear programming
Finding the largest or smallest value taken on by a given function (the objective function) given that satisfy certain linear constraints The constraints are inequalities of the form Many applied problems, such as designing the cheapest animal feed that meets given nutritional goals, can be formulated as linear programming problems
linear programming
The problem, and associated area of mathematics, of maximizing or minimizing a linear function on a convex set, especially a polytope Equivalently, maximizing a linear expression in some number of variables subject to linear equalities and inequalities
linear programming
a mathematical technique used in economics; finds the maximum or minimum of linear functions in many variables subject to constraints
linear programming
A mathematical procedure for minimizing or maximizing a linear function of several variables, subject to a finite number of linear restrictions on these variables
linear programming
  In operations research, a procedure for locating the maximum or minimum of a linear function of variables that are subject to linear constraints   Synonym  linear optimization
linear programming
Mathematical modeling technique useful for guiding quantitative decisions in business, industrial engineering, and to a lesser extent the social and physical sciences. Solving a linear programming problem can be reduced to finding the optimum value (see optimization) of a linear equation (called an objective function), subject to a set of constraints expressed as inequalities. The number of inequalities and variables depends on the complexity of the problem, whose solution is found by solving the system of inequalities like a system of equations. The extensive use of linear programming during World War II to deal with transportation, scheduling and allocations of resources under constraints like cost and priority gave the subject an impetus that carried it into the postwar era. The number of equations and variables needed to model real-life situations accurately is large, and the solution process can be time-consuming even with computers. See also simplex method
linear programming
shows how best to allocate multiple scarce resources among alternative courses of action in the short run when capacity cannot be increased
linear programming
A technique for finding the best of all possible solutions of a system of linear equalities and inequalities The criterion for the best solution is the maximum or minimum value of a given linear function of bounded variables, called the objective function
linear programming
Technique for finding the maximum value of some equation subject to stated linear constraints
linear programming
A technique of operations research (not necessarily computer programming) when an optimum value or ration of values is to be found in a situation involving many variables and for which there is no unique solution
linear regression
(Ticaret) The best fit of sample data points to a linear model by minimizing the sum of the squares of deviations between the points and the line
linear regression
y = ax + b
linear regression
the relation between variables when the regression equation is linear: e
linear regression
simple regression, finding a direct equation that fulfills or approaches the results of a sample in order to find simple variables that explain the result of the sample
linear transformation
linear change, one-dimensional change
linear transformation
In mathematics, a rule for changing one geometric figure (or matrix or vector) into another using a formula with a specified format. The format must be a linear combination, in which the original components (e.g., the x and y coordinates of each point of the original figure) are changed via the formula ax + by to produce the coordinates of the transformed figure. Examples include flipping the figure over the x or y axis, stretching or compressing it, and rotating it. Every such transformation has an inverse, which undoes its effect
linear unit
a unit of measurement of length
linear velocity
speed in the direction of a straight line
A relationship between several quantities which can be considered as proportional and expressed in terms of linear algebra, or any mathematical property of a relationship, operation or function that is analogous to such proportionality, satisfying additivity and homogeneity
In a linear manner:
In the manner of a linear function

The effect related linearly to the amount of causative agent added.

In a straight line
piecewise linear
Equal to a sum of finitely many linear functions, each defined on a convex polytope: said of functions between vector spaces
piecewise linear
Having a defining atlas such that there is a piecewise linear homeomorphism between any pair of intersecting atlas charts: said of manifolds
Alternative spelling of piecewise linear
positive linear functional
A kind of linear functional which "returns" a non-negative scalar when "fed" a non-negative function as "parameter."
generalized linear model
(İstatistik) In statistics, the generalized linear model (GLM) is a useful generalization of ordinary least squares regression. It relates the random distribution of the measured variable of the experiment (the distribution function) to the systematic (non-random) portion of the experiment (the linear predictor) through a function called the link function
Constant Linear Velocity
CLV, flow of data at a constant speed (caused by a change in the speed of revolution of the hard disk according to the location of data - faster on the inner tracks and slower on the outer tracks)
The state of being linear
A digital filter is linear if and only if it satisfies the conditions
Ideally an A-D or D-A converter converts the input or output range into equal steps In practice the steps are not exactly equal Linearity, or non-linearity, is a measure of how close the steps approach equality
The deviation from the best straight-line slope of the frequency vs control voltage curve If the specification for an oscillator requires a linearity of ±10% and the actual deviation is 10 kHz total as an example, the curve of output frequency vs control voltage input could vary as much as ±1 kHz (10 kHz ±10%) from the Best Straight Line On the other hand, if the maximum deviation from the Best Straight Line is 20 ppm and the total deviation is 200 ppm, the linearity is ± 20 ppm/200 ppm = ±10%, which is the linearity value for a typical VCXO
In a narrative, the clear motivation of a series of causes and effects that progress without significant digressions, delays, or irrelevant interpolations
A relationship between several quantities which can be considered as proportional and expresed in terms of linear algebra, or any mathematical property of a relationship, operation or function that is analogous to such proportionality, satisfying additivity and homogeneity
Linearity refers to the fidelity of an output signal with respect to its input signal In a linear relationship, output is directly proportional to input
The sequential order of events or levels Linearity is directly related to interactivity A movie is linear, it has a begining a middle and an end Generally a movie is only viewed in it's linear order This makes it non-interactive In most games a story is intended and some linearity is needed For example, in StarCraft you can't play the protoss levels unless you have beaten the human levels This allows plot to be added to the game (See Also Non-linearity)
- The ability of a device such as a loudspeaker to reproduce a range of frequencies equal in amplitude and quality without stress or strain A linear sounding speaker will not exaggerate or understate any frequencies
The maximum deviation of the calibration curve from a straight line between zero and full scale, expressed as a percent of full scale output and measured on increasing measured only
The closeness of a calibration curve to a specified straight line expressed as a percentage of full scale deviation
The degree to which a set of production or other data has a flat distribution around the centerline, and does not exhibit wide variations in a given time period
The closeness of a calibration curve to a specified straight line, preferably passing through zero Commonly specified as a % of full scale
Specifically, a measure of deviation in responsivity of a device over a range of input light power In general, a measure of deviation of a curve from a straight line within 1% linearity (also called accuracy)
- Describes the accuracy of a component's output signal compared to the input signal A device whose output varies in direct proportion to the input is said to linear
  The property of a system in which, if input signals X and Y result in system output S(X) and S(Y) respectively, the input signal aX + bY will result in the output aS(X) + bS(Y), where S is the system transfer function and a and b are scalars
The maximum deviation from a straight line between meter readings at zero and full range It is expressed in percent
The closeness of a calibration curve to a specified straight line * Kistler uses "Best Straight Line through Zero" which is defined as follows: Two parallels are sought, as close together as possible but enclosing the entire calibration curve In addition, the median parallel must pass through zero (no measurand, no output signal) The slope of this median parallel is the Sensitivity of the transducer Half the interval between the two parallels, expressed as a percentage of full-scale Output (FSO), is the linearity
The response characteristics of a linear system remain constant with input level That is, if the response to input a is A, and the response to input b is B, then the response of a linear system to input (a + b) will be (A + B) An example of a non-linear system is one whose response is limited by mechanical stop, such as occurs when a bearing mount is loose
In an audio device, the ability accommodate the flow of the original source signal withuot distorting or altering it in any way A component is linear if it accurately reproduces the source signal regardless of the signal's frequency 4
The ability of a scale or balance to show the correct value throughout the weighing range Usually tested by placing known weights on the balance from near zero to full capacity
A term that applies only to VCXO’s and TCVCXO’s It describes the maximum frequency error in following a straight line curve fitted to the actual frequencies measured at different control voltages within the control voltage range This error is measured in percent according to the maximum deviation from the curve as a percentage of the total tuning range (MIL-PRF-55310D, 4 8 31 5)
the degree of agreement between the calibration curve of a method and a straight line assumption
the property of having one dimension
{i} state of being linear, quality of being made of lines; degree of accuracy of the picture on a television screen; (Electronics) degree of the direct relation between stimulus and response
A measure of the departure from a straight line response in the relationship between two quantities, where the change in one quantity is directly proportional to a change in the other quantity Usually expressed as a maximum percent
The maximum deviation of any points from a straight line drawn as a "best fit" through the calibration points of an instrument with a linear response curve Usually expressed as a percentage of full- scale range
In CCD imaging technology, precise linearity dictates that an object that is twice as bright as another object will appear exactly twice as bright in the resultant image
The maximum departure of an instrument's actual response curve from the "best fit" straight line response It applies only to instruments with more or less linear response, and is usually stated as a percentage of full scale range
in a linear manner; "linearly polarized radiation
In a linear manner; with lines
in a linear manner; with lines; directly; in a one-dimensional manner
in a linear fashion; "it grew linearly" in a linear manner; "linearly polarized radiation
In a linear manner
in a linear fashion; "it grew linearly"
in a linear manner; "linearly polarized radiation"
metric linear unit
a linear unit of distance in metric terms
microwave linear accelerator
linear accelerator that uses microwaves
nautical linear unit
a linear unit of distance used in navigation
Function that cannot be expressed as the graph of a line or in the form of the equation of a line or plane Non-linear equation usually contain expressions with exponents 2nd order or higher order equations and transformations are non-linear
If you describe something as non-linear, you mean that it does not progress or develop smoothly from one stage to the next in a logical way. Instead, it makes sudden changes, or seems to develop in different directions at the same time. a non-linear narrative structure. linear
Systems that behave in an unexpected way, not changing proportionally to a change in input Sometimes going down when you expect them to go up, doing nothing instead, or changing drastically with only minor changes to the input
Any method of video editing which doesn't require all shots to be assembled in a linear fashion
Refers to a device or process in which the output is not directly proportional to the input Often used in the satellite communication context to refer to the (undesirable) characteristics of practical high power amplifiers
Referring to an equation, model, or solution, not amenable to linear algebra or having terms which are not strictly proportional to values of the variables
describes the state where an outcome does not give a directly proportional output for a change in input Frequently used to describe the mathematical characteristics of a data series Using a linear forecasting model to forecast linear data gives highly restrictive results Some treatment of a non-linear data series is required to make a linear forecasting model function Best practices require the application of non-linear methods to data which will then accommodate both linear and non-linear data regardless
Türkisch - Englisch
linear korelasyon
linear correlation
linear yapı
linear structure



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈlənēər/ /ˈlɪniːɜr/


    () From Latin linearis, from linea (“line”) + -aris (adjectival suffix).


    ... ALAN RUSBRIDGER: In channels, linear ...
    ... It's a linear transformation of news from one to many. ...