Onu sevmekten başka çaren yok.
- You can't help but like him.
Tom Mary'yi sevmekten kendini alamadı.
- Tom couldn't help but like Mary.
İnsanlar onun tablolarını beğenmek için geldiler.
- People came to like her paintings.
Tom'u beğenmek zorundasın.
- You've got to like Tom.
Stanford Üniversitesi, Larry Page ve Sergey Brin gibi girişimcileri yetiştirdi.
- Stanford University has educated entrepreneurs like Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Kız, sihir gibi kayboldu.
- The girl vanished like magic.
Ermiş falan değil o. Öyleymiş gibi duruyor sadece.
- He's not a saint. He just looks like one.
O, biraz babasına benzer.
- He is a bit like his father.
Asal sayılar hayata benzer, onlar tamamen mantıksaldır fakat, eğer tüm zamanınızı onun hakkında düşünmek için harcarsanız kurallarının bulunması imkânsızdır.
- Prime numbers are like life; they are completely logical, but impossible to find the rules for, even if you spend all your time thinking about it.
O çok kötü bir filmdi, değil mi? Evet. İçimden paramı geri istemek geliyor!
- That was such a bad movie, right? Yeah. I feel like asking for my money back!
Ben elma ve muz ve benzeri farklı meyveler yedim. Ayrıca iki patates yedim.
- I ate different fruits like apples and bananas and such. I also ate two potatoes.
Ben erkek kardeşime benzerim.
- I am like my brother.
Bu sabah için özür dilemek istiyorum.
- I'd like to apologize for this morning.
Oğlum adına özür dilemek istiyorum.
- I'd like to apologise on behalf of my son.
Müstehcen fıkraları sevmem fakat onları anlattığında ondan çok zevk alırım.
- I don't like dirty jokes, but I get a kick out of it when you tell them.
Sporu rekabet için değil zevk için yapıyorum.
- I like to play sport for fun not for competition.
Benimle dans etmek ister misin?
- Would you like to dance with me?
Biraz kahve ister misin?
- Would you like some coffee?
Bütün renkleri eşit derecede severim.
- I like all the colors equally.
Gerçek aşk ebedidir, sonsuzdur ve hep kendi gibidir. Eşit ve saf, abartılı sergilemeler olmadan: özünde hep gençtir ve beyaz saçlarla görünür.
- True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart.
Tom Chris'e onun eşarbını sevmediğini söylediğinde, o ondan kurtuldu.
- When Tom told Chris he didn't like her scarf, she got rid of it.
Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, küçük sinekleri yakalayabilirler fakat yaban arısı ve eşek arılarının geçmesine izin verirler.
- Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
Bağımsız olmayı severim.
- I like being independent.
Deneysel kurulum neye benziyordu? Ne neye ve nasıl bağlıydı?
- What did the experimental set-up look like? What was connected to what and how?
Görünüşe göre Google o özelliği artık kullanmıyor.
- It looks like Google deprecated that functionality.
Roger şarkı yazmayı seviyordu. Aynı zamanda kendi şarkılarını sahnede söylemeyi de seviyordu.
- Roger liked writing songs. He also liked to perform his own songs on the stage.
Sadece klasik müziği değil aynı zamanda jazzı da severim.
- I like not only classical music but also jazz.
Trafik kazalarının yağışlı günlerde meydana gelmesi olasıdır.
- Traffic accidents are likely to occur on rainy days.
Böyle bir durumun tekrar olacağının olası olmadığını düşünüyorum.
- I think it's unlikely that a situation like this one would ever occur again.
Mary'nin görünme şeklini beğeniyorum.
- I like the way Mary looks.
Yürüme şeklini beğeniyorum.
- I like the way you walk.
Sanki o seni başka bir dünyaya çekecek.
- It feels like it's going to absorb you into another world.
Televizyonda gösterilen şey, sanki, toplumun neye benzediğinin bir yansımasıdır.
- What is shown on television is, as it were, a reflection of what society is like.
Giderleri düşük tutmak istiyorum.
- I'd like to keep expenses down.
Tom balık tutmaktan hoşlanmaz.
- Tom doesn't like fishing.
Jane büyük ihtimalle gelecek.
- Jane is very likely to come.
Irkçı değilim, ama ile başlayan her cümle aslında büyük ihtimalle çok ırkçıdır.
- Every sentence that starts with I'm not racist, but is likely to be very racist indeed.
Çok sayıda hatasına rağmen ondan hoşlanmamak elimde değil.
- I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults.
Kemiklerin balıklardan hoşlanmamak için gerçekten iyi bir neden olmadığından dolayı sadece balıklardan hoşlanmadığını söylüyorsun.
- Just saying you don't like fish because of the bones is not really a good reason for not liking fish.
Onun zengin gıdalar için büyük bir beğenisi vardır.
- She has a great liking for rich foods.
Kadın olmak zordur. Erkek gibi düşünmeyi, hanımefendi gibi davranmayı, genç kız gibi görünmeyi ve de eşek gibi çalışmayı gerektirir.
- It's hard to be a woman. One must think like a man, act like a lady, look like a girl, and work like a horse.
Artık bir erkek gibi hissetmiyorum.
- I don't feel like a man anymore.
Tom şu anda kuzu gibi uyuyor.
- Right now, Tom is sleeping like a lamb.
Toplu taşıma sistemi saat gibi çalışır.
- The public transportation system runs like clockwork.
Her şey saat gibi çalışıyor.
- Everything's running like clockwork.
Tom son trene yetişmek için deli gibi koştu.
- Tom ran like crazy to catch the last train.
Tom Mary'ye yetişmek için deli gibi koştu.
- Tom ran like crazy to catch up with Mary.
Bunun gibi hikayeler beni büyülüyor.
- Stories like that fascinate me.
Biraz şekerleme ve bunun gibi, ben bir papatya gibi tazeyim.
- A little nap and, just like that, I'm as fresh as a daisy.
Herhangi birinin öyle bir şey söylediğini asla duymadım.
- Never have I heard anyone say a thing like that.
Ben asla öyle bir şey söylemezdim.
- I would never say anything like that.
Karlı bir yolda direksiyonu o şekilde çevirirsen, kayarsın.
- If you whip the steering wheel around like that on a snowy road, the car is going to go into a slide.
Onu o şekilde bırakmak ister misin?
- Do you want to leave it like that?
Böyle bir sözlükte buzdolabı ile ilgili en az iki cümle olmalıdır.
- In a dictionary like this one there should be at least two sentences with fridge.
Böyle bir durumun tekrar olacağının olası olmadığını düşünüyorum.
- I think it's unlikely that a situation like this one would ever occur again.
Hiç bunun gibi bir şey gördün mü?
- Have you ever seen anything like this?
Bunun gibi bir şeyin olabileceğini her zaman biliyordum.
- I've always known something like this might happen.
İncil bunu bu şekilde yazmıştır.
- The Bible has it written like this.
Biz onu bu şekilde bırakamayız.
- We can't leave him like this.
Yarın hava muhtemelen güzel olacak.
- It is likely to be fine tomorrow.
Trafik kazalarının yağışlı günlerde meydana gelmesi olasıdır.
- Traffic accidents are likely to occur on rainy days.
Tom Mary'nin hâlâ evde olduğunun olası olduğunu düşünmüyordu.
- Tom didn't think it was likely that Mary was still at home.
Bu neredeyse hiç uygun değil.
- That's hardly likely.
Bir dil öğrenmenin geleneksel yolu olsa olsa birinin görev duygusunu tatmin edebilir ama o bir sevinç kaynağı olarak hizmet edemez. Ayrıca muhtemelen başarılı olmayacaktır.
- The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.
O, muhtemelen bu oyunu kazanır.
- He is likely to win this game.
O, Ellen tarafından sevilmektedir.
- He is liked by Ellen.
Tom sevilmek istiyor.
- Tom wants to be liked.
Sami beğenilmek istiyordu.
- Sami wanted to be liked.
Hepimiz beğenilmek istiyoruz.
- We all want to be liked.
İyi beslenirseniz muhtemelen daha uzun yaşarsınız.
- If you eat well, you're likely to live longer.
Onun muhtemelen olmayacağını benim bildiğim kadar iyi biliyorsun.
- You know as well as I do that that isn't likely to happen.
Tom'un onu kasten yapmış olması muhtemel.
- It's likely that Tom did it on purpose.
Ben ırkçı değilim, ama ile başlayan her cümlenin gerçekten çok ırkçı olması muhtemeldir.
- Every sentence that starts with I'm not racist, but is likely to be very racist indeed.
Bir dil öğrenmenin geleneksel yolu olsa olsa birinin görev duygusunu tatmin edebilir ama o bir sevinç kaynağı olarak hizmet edemez. Ayrıca muhtemelen başarılı olmayacaktır.
- The traditional way of learning a language may satisfy at most one's sense of duty, but it can hardly serve as a source of joy. Nor will it likely be successful.
Öyle tuhaf bir şeyin gerçekleşmesi muhtemel değildir.
- Such a strange thing is not likely to happen.
Birinden hoşlanmak ve birini sevmek arasındaki fark nedir?
- What's the difference between liking and loving someone?
Fred Jane'den hoşlanmaya başladı ve onunla çıkmaya başladı.
- Fred took a liking to Jane and started dating her.
A: I've beaten you!
B:Like hell!.
Böyle konuşmak için aptal olmalı.
- He must be a fool to talk like that.
Bütün öğretmenler böyle davranmaz.
- Not all teachers behave like that.
senin gibi birini istiyorum.
Keşke senin gibi şarkı söyleyebilsem.
- I wish I could sing like you do.
O, tam senin gibi, iyi bir golfçü.
- He, just like you, is a good golfer.
Tom, Mary'nin Fransızca konuşmayı bilmesinin mümkün olmadığını biliyordu.
- Tom knew Mary wasn't likely to know how to speak French.
Tom'un durumun altından kalkabilmesi pek mümkün olmayacak.
- Tom won't likely be able to cope with the situation.
Tom muhtemelen mantıklı olacaktır.
- Tom will likely be reasonable.
Tom muhtemelen mantıklı olacak.
- Tom is likely to be sensible.
Galiba bu kitabı okumaya sene sonuna kadar devam edeceğiz.
- We're likely to continue reading this book up to the end of the year.
Sanırım Tom Mary'den hoşlanıyor.
- I think Tom likes Mary.
Sanırım Tom senden hoşlanıyor.
- I think Tom likes you.
Şeytanın var olmadığını düşünüyorum, bence insanlık onu yarattı,kendi hayalinde ve tasvirinde
- I think the devil doesn't exist, but man has created him, he has created him in his own image and likeness.
O bana tamamen zevkime uygun bir kravat verdi.
- She gave me a necktie which was completely to my liking.
Birinden hoşlanmak ve birini sevmek arasındaki fark nedir?
- What's the difference between liking and loving someone?
Birçok hatalarına rağmen onu sevmekten kendimi alamıyorum.
- I cannot help liking him in spite of his many faults.
divint ye knaa, like?.
She was, like, sooooo happy.
These hamburgers taste like leather.
Tell me your likes and dislikes.
It seemed like you didn't care.
And you're like, no not in a million years, you're nasty please leave me alone..
His countenance likes me not.
We like to keep one around the office just in case.
And then he, like, got all angry and left the room.
And therefore it is the best way, if you like of it, to examine these taken from experiments touching the Earth, and then proceed to those of the other kind.
There are lots of birds like ducks and gulls in this park.
I really like Sandra but don't know how to tell her.
It was something the likes of which I had never seen before.
I like the Seattle Mariners this season.
He was so angry, like.
and this is not a sky, it is a Soul and living Face! Nothing liker the Temple of the Highest, bright with some real effulgence of the Highest, is seen in this world.
Tom isn't likely to want to do that.
- Tom isn't likely to want to do that.
Tom isn't likely to want to help Mary.
- Tom isn't likely to want to help Mary.
He came tearing around the corner like a bat out of hell and nearly ran us over.
Mothers cannot conveniently leave home to get about, and fathers, to use their own expression, feel like a cat in a strange garret, when screwed up in one of the seats ot the school house.
Wilmer Lee was like a dog with a bone — he just wouldn't let Mr. Mooney rest in peace.
She started skating and she learned how quickly, like a duck takes to water.
If you find one you like, plan to guard it like a hawk until the purchase is finalized.
My excuse is I wasn't prepared.
Don't be a wimp, deal with it like a man!.
After that vacation I feel like a million bucks.
After that vacation I feel like a million dollars.
Thou shalt come to thy grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in his season.
Your band is good, but the singer sounds like ass.
That dog smells like ass.
You will find him there waiting for the bus every day at 4:14 pm, like clockwork.
She stayed late, working like crazy to get the project done before the deadline.
The railway's begun The Mormons are cutting / And grading like fun..
a. 1946, Raymond J. Healy, J. Francis McComas editor, Adventures in time and space: an anthology of modern science-fiction stories, page 607:Give me that gun! Like fun I will, Leigh snapped.
Put an actress in knock-out clothes and she'll come through like gangbusters..
You'd better run like hell!.
It stank like hell down there.!.
Me do the washing up? Like hell I will!.
These new toys should sell like hot cakes.
We're going to stay home this year. No holidays. You can like it or lump it.
Jim has been drinking like it's going out of style.
Do you just like her or do you like like her?.
Our like new refrigerator didn't last the year.
Make your car run like new.
His customers reimburse him for the equipment he buys, but it looks like he spends money like nobody's business.
We can put the collection box directly under the chute. It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.
Taking the money from the safe will be like taking candy from a baby, since I know the combination.
He was playing in the yard and, then, like that, he was gone.
And then the truck turned, the box fell out the back, and the truck just kept going. / Yea, like that..
As I once told him, being British, looking like the back end of a bus or weighing 30 stone, was utterly irrelevant to the posting i made.
In fact she made quite a nice little rider — a bit rough, like these Australians always were, but quite secure in her seat and going like the clappers.
He was running like the new time when the dog chased him.
In our house we go through paper towels like water.
She combs me down with her tongue sometimes though, but that just slips off me like water off a duck's back..
Scandal after scandal would break, but it would be like water off a duck's back; no heads rolled, and no one seemed particularly perturbed.
I want to stick to you like white on rice.
The soccer coach made a like-for-like substitution, replacing the injured defender with another defensive player.
Sales at the company are up 50%, although only half of that increase is due to the recent aquisition. The other half is accounted for by like-for-like sales being up 25 percent.
The like-minded politicians voted the same way so often they were thought of as one person rather than two.
Like a bolt from the blue, I got the idea to shave my head.
Its like pulling teeth getting Max to talk about his girlfrined .
1. Advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck's back.
2. Many people showed him they didn't like what he was doing, but their disapproval passed off him like water off a duck's back.
They must be like the last group who stayed.
If he's like I don't want to, then be like Pretty please! - it means a lot to me.
Likely he'll win the election in this economy.
found a likely spot under a shady tree for the picnic.
not a very likely excuse.
Jones is a likely candidate for management.
a likely topic for investigation.
They are likely to become angry with him.
Rain is likely later this afternoon.
He is likely to succeed at anything he tries.
Every member of the family is as faithfully likenessed as the photographs, which were given to the artist from the hands of the General himself, have power to express.
... platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn. ...
... down like a mountain goat. It's the coolest thing you've ever seen. ...