Kısa sürede yaşam tarzına alıştı.
- She soon adjusted to his way of life.
Dünyadaki tropikal yağmur ormanları, gezegende yaşamın ekolojik zincirine kritik bağlantılıdır.
- The world's tropical rainforests are critical links in the ecological chain of life on the planet.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube ve Blogger hayatımızı tehdit ediyor.
- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Blogger are threatening our life.
Hayat kesin bir bilim değildir, bir sanattır.
- Life is not an exact science, it is an art.
Tom'un daha fazla sabuna ihtiyacı yok. Mary ona bir ömür boyu yetecek kadar sabun verdi.
- Tom doesn't need any more soap. Mary gave him enough to last a lifetime.
Adama ömür boyu hapis cezası verildi.
- The man was given a life sentence.
Varlıklı bir bayan olarak Leyla'nın yaşamı bir seraptı.
- Layla's life as a wealthy lady was a mirage.
Bir kelebeğin ortalama yaşam süresi ne kadar?
- What's the average lifespan of a butterfly?
Yetmiş ya da seksen yıl bir insanın normal yaşam süresidir.
- Seventy or eighty years is the normal span of a man's life.
Kumsalda cankurtaran yok.
- There isn't a life guard at the beach.
Cankurtaran henüz görevde olmamasına rağmen yüzmeye gitmeye teşvik edildim.
- I was tempted to go swimming even though the lifeguard was not yet on duty.
Bana günlük yaşantından bahset.
- Tell me about your daily life.
Bugünlerde gittikçe daha fazla insan kır yaşantısını şehir yaşantısına tercih ediyorlar.
- Nowadays more and more people prefer country life to city life.
Leyla hayatını kurtarmak için harekete geçmek zorunda kaldı.
- Layla had to act to save her life.
Onun yüzsüzce meydan okuma hareketi neredeyse hayatına mal oluyordu.
- His brazen act of defiance almost cost him his life.
Hayatta neyin en önemli olduğu kişiden kişiye değişir.
- What is most important in life differs from person to person.
Bir kişinin hayatı geçici bir şeydir.
- The life of a person is a transient thing.
Sağlık ve canlılık uzun hayat için gereklidir.
- Health and vitality are important for long life.
Kendi canını tehlikeye atarak çocuğu kurtardı.
- He saved the child at the risk of his own life.
Tom ve ben can kurtaranız.
- Tom and I are lifeguards.
Sağlık ve canlılık uzun hayat için gereklidir.
- Health and vitality are important for long life.
Gezegenimizdeki canlıların çeşitliliğine hayranım.
- I just admire the diversity of life on our planet.
Bazı insanlar ölümden sonra ebedi hayata inanıyorlar.
- Some people believe in eternal life after death.
Tom'un sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı vardır.
- Tom has a healthy lifestyle.
Bu Amerikan yaşam tarzıdır.
- This is the American way of life.
Yaşam olduğu sürece umut da olacaktır.
- While there is life, there is hope.
Kısa sürede yaşam tarzına alıştı.
- She soon adjusted to his way of life.
Pek çok dinler ölümden sonra hayat vadediyor.
- Very many religions promise life after death.
Tom'un cansız bedeni bir ormanda bulundu.
- Tom's lifeless body was found in a wood.
Onun gri ve cansız gözleri, iki sıcak kömür gibi yandı.
- His grey and lifeless eyes burned like two hot coals.
Tom üç müebbet hapis cezasına mahkum edildi.
- Tom has been sentenced to three consecutive life sentences.
Tom cezaevinde müebbet hapis cezasını çekiyor.
- Tom is serving a life sentence in prison.
Tom Mary'ye hayat hikayesini anlatmak istemedi.
- Tom didn't want to tell Mary his life story.
Sami bize kendi hayat hikayesini anlattı.
- Sami told us his life story.
Ne yazık ki, Tom bir can yeleği giymiyordu.
- Unfortunately, Tom wasn't wearing a life jacket.
Tom bir can yeleği giymiyordu.
- Tom wasn't wearing a life jacket.
Cankurtaran yüksek kaliteli malzemelerden yapılmış olmalıdır.
- The life preserver must be made of high quality materials.
Japonya'da ortalama yaşam süresi nedir?
- What is the average life span in Japan?
Ölüm üzücü bir konu ama hayat devam ediyor.
- Death is a sad matter, but life goes on.
He implied that he received a life threat.
Mary can yeleğini giymedi.
- Mary did not wear her life vest.
Allah'tan başka bir ilâh yoktur ve Muhammed, Allah'ın elçisidir.
- There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Böylece, evlenmediler ve mutlu mesut ömürlerinin sonuna kadar yaşadılar.
- And so they didn't marry and they lived happily until the end of their lives.
İçe dönük kimselerin dışa dönük kimselerden daha kısa ömürleri mi var?
- Do introverts have shorter lives than extroverts?
Binlerce ve binlerce asker hayatlarını kaybetti.
- Thousands and thousands of soldiers lost their lives.
Hayatlarından memnun olduklarını ifade ettiler.
- They expressed satisfaction with their lives.
Bebek şaşırtıcı bir biçimde canlı gibiydi.
- The doll was surprisingly lifelike.
Onlar sentetik yaşam formu yaratmak istiyor.
- They want to create a synthetic life form.
Onun ömür boyu hapis cezası var.
- He has a life sentence.
Tom bir dizi cinayetten dolayı iki ömür boyu hapis cezası çekiyor.
- Tom is currently serving two life sentences for a series of murders.
Tom bir dizi cinayetten dolayı iki ömür boyu hapis cezası çekiyor.
- Tom is currently serving two life sentences for a series of murders.
Tom'a bir güvenlik görevlisini öldürdüğü için ömür boyu hapis cezası verildi.
- Tom was given a life sentence for killing a security guard.
Bu yaşam tarzına alışkınım.
- I am accustoming to this life style.
Onların geleneksel yaşam tarzı artık yok.
- Their traditional life style no longer exists.
Bebek şaşırtıcı bir biçimde canlı gibiydi.
- The doll was surprisingly lifelike.
Tom'un sorunu kendi dünyasında yaşamaktır.
- Tom's problem is that he lives in his own bubble.
Tom artık Boston'da yaşamıyor.
- Tom no longer lives in Boston.
...I realize as never before how cheap and valueless a thing is life. Life seems a joke, a cruel, grim joke. You are a laughable incident or a terrifying one as you happen to be less powerful or more powerful than some other form of life which crosses your path; but as a rule you are of no moment whatsoever to anything but yourself. You are a comic little figure, hopping from the cradle to the grave. Yes, that is our trouble--we take ourselves too seriously; but Caprona should be a sure cure for that. She paused and laughed.
The life of this milk carton may be thousands of years in this landfill.
He gets up early in the morning, works all day long — even on weekends — and hardly sees his family. That's no life!.
She's my love, my life.
His life of the founder is finished, except for the title.
Scoring 1000 points is rewarded with an extra life.
And he is the life of the party at the Musgroves for precisely this reason: the navy has made him into a great storyteller.
Man's life on this planet has been marked by continual conflict.
This light bulb is designed to have a life of 2,000 hours.
risks to life and limb.
Example: Joe gives property to Mike for the life of Bob; Joe has created a life estate pur autre vie for Mike, but when Bob dies, the property automatically reverts to Joe.
His life history shows that he frequently moves from town to town, moving from one job to the next.
This is the story of the softships of the Third American Army. For the Yankee troops who were assigned to take and hold the Coblenz bridgehead are leading the life of Riley on the Rhine.
Tom was the life of the party, and the way he cut up was simply awful, as Nellie declared.
life-assurance policy.
life-child syndrome.
We would have died without the unexpected rain that brought life-giving water.
I had counted on a life-lease of the profits, whereas I only received those of a few short years.
Many consider the life-size painting of King Peter to be one of the artist's best works.
The life-sized statue was the same size as the subject, and since he had never fit in that chair, neither did the statue.
The life-threatening illness caused him to be rushed to the hospital, where doctors worked around the clock to save his life.
The robot was so lifelike, Jack could hardly tell it apart from his sister.
... So it would be the first life on Mars. ...
... I remember that image having more life. ...