Türkische aussprache
/ˈlēʤ/ /ˈliːʤ/
() Middle English lege, lige, liege from Anglo-Norman lige from Old French liege "liege, free", of Germanic origin, from Middle High German ledic, ledec "free, empty, vacant" (Modern German ledig "unmarried") from Proto-Germanic *liþugaz (“flexible, free, unoccupied”). Akin to Old Frisian leþeg, leþoch "free", Old English liþiġ "flexible", Old Norse liðugr "free, unhindered", Middle Dutch ledich "idle, unemployed", Middle English lethi "unoccupied, at leisure". An alternate etymology traces the Old French word from Late Latin laeticus "of or relating to a semifree colonist in Gaul" from laetus "a semi-free colonist", of Germanic origin, akin to Old English læt "servant".