letzte abendmahl

listen to the pronunciation of letzte abendmahl
Deutsch - Türkisch
son akşam yemeği
Deutsch - Englisch
last supper
The last meal Jesus had He gathered his disciples together and shared with them the Word and gave them the sacrament of Holy Communion In church today, we receive Christ's body and blood in the bread and wine that we eat and drink as a remembrance of Christ's life, death and resurrection Jesus is truly present during Holy Communion, as he was at the Last Supper, and invites us to come to Him and repent for the forgiveness of our sins List of Terms
the traditional Passover supper of Jesus with his disciples on the eve of his crucifixion
(Gr Mystikos Deipnos; Sl Taynya Vercherya) The Last meal of Christ with His disciples in the 'Upper Room' before his arrest With this supper he instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
The last meal that Jesus had before the crucifixion At this meal Jesus gave a special meaning to the bread and the wine, which is remembered at the Eucharist
das Letzte Abendmahl
Last supper
das Letzte Abendmahl
the last supper