leopold count von berchtold

listen to the pronunciation of leopold count von berchtold
Englisch - Englisch
born April 18, 1863, Vienna, Austria died Nov. 21, 1942, near Csepreg, Hung. Austro-Hungarian politician. One of the richest men in Austria-Hungary, he entered the diplomatic service in 1893 and became foreign minister in 1912. After the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in 1914, Berchtold delivered an ultimatum to Serbia that led to the outbreak of World War I. He was forced to resign in 1915
leopold count von berchtold


    Le·o·pold count von berchtold

    Türkische aussprache

    liıpōld kaunt vôn bırktōld


    /ˈlēəˌpōld ˈkount ˈvôn ˈbərktōld/ /ˈliːəˌpoʊld ˈkaʊnt ˈvɔːn ˈbɜrktoʊld/