
listen to the pronunciation of leg'er*de*main
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von leg'er*de*main im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch


Kanepeye oturdu ve bacak bacak üstüne attı. - He sat on the bench and crossed his legs.

Burada kısa süre dinlenelim. Bacaklarım yorgun ve ben daha fazla yürüyemiyorum. - Let's take a short rest here. My legs are tired and I can't walk any more.

(Matematik) dikkenar

On üç yaşındayken içinde bulunduğum bir araba kazasından dolayı hâlâ sol bacağımda bir izim var. - I still have a scar on my left leg from a car accident I was in when I was thirteen years old.

Bir kira sözleşmesi, ev sahibi ve kiracıları arasında yasal olarak bağlayıcı bir belgedir. - A tenancy agreement is a legally binding document between a landlord and their tenant.

(Matematik) dik kenar
leg it
leg of a boot
leg of beef
(Gıda) sığır butu
(giysi) bacağı örten bölüm
(eşya) ayak
(hayvanlarda) but
leg bone
bacak kemiği
leg covering
leg exercise
bacak egsersizi
leg of lamb
kuzu budu
leg of mutton
koyun budu
leg feather
bacak tüy
leg iron
bacak demir
leg it out
dışarı bacak
leg of
leg room
bacak oda
leg up
Avantaj, birinin durumundaki iyilik/gelişme
leg up
Birine omuz verme, at gibi bir hayvanın üzerine ya da yüksek bir yere çıkmasını sağlama
leg warmer
bacak sıcak
leg warmers
(çoğul isim) bileklerden dize ya da daha yukarı çekilip giyilebilen örgü giyecek
{i} raund
{i} but
{f} koşmak
mobilya ayağı
pergel ayağı
{i} ayak (masa vs.)
(isim) bacak, but, ayak (masa vs.), üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı, etap, raund, ayak (yarış)
briç veya spor karşılaşmalarında kazanılan ilk oyun
{i} etap
legofmutton sail üç köşeli bi
leg of mutton koyun budu
{i} (mobilyada/pergelde) ayak
bacak vazifesi gören şey

Benim ellerim ve ayaklarım şişti. - My hands and legs are swollen.

Ayakları kırık sandalyeleri at. - Throw away the chairs whose legs are broken.

{f} hızlı yürümek
(Askeri) AŞAMA; MERHALE: Hareket halindeki bir hedefin harita üzerinde çizilen hareket istikametinin belli başlı bir parçası
{i} (pantolonda) bacak
{i} ayak (yarış)
{i} üçgenin taban olmayan kenarı
leg assy
(Askeri) iniş dikmesi
leg injuries
(Tıp) bacak yaralanmaları
leg it
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- tüymek 2- koşmak
leg it
leg it
leg it
hızlı yürümek
leg of lamb
kasap. kuzu budu
leg pull
leg pull
kafa bulma
leg pull
leg show
bacak gösterisi
leg show
yataktan kalkma
break a leg
bol şans
hind leg
arka ayak

At arka ayaklarının üzerinde yükseldi. - The horse rose on its hind legs.

pull s.o.'s leg
biriyle dalga geçmek, birini işletmek
calf of the leg
(Anatomi) baldır
extend one's leg
ayak uzatmak
frog leg
kurbağa bacağı
frog’s leg
(Gıda) kurbağa bacağı
give someone a leg up
(deyim) birine yardım etmek
give someone a leg up
(deyim) arka çıkmak
roasted leg of lamb
(Gıda) fırında kuzu budu
shake a leg
(deyim) çabuk ol
shake a leg
pergelleri açmak
stretch one's leg
(deyim) yürüyüş yapmak
support leg
destek ayağı
table leg
masa ayağı
animal leg
hayvan bacağı
artificial leg
takma bacak
chicken leg
tavuk bacağı
gate leg table
acılır kapanır masa
not have a leg to stand on
tutunacak dalı olmamak
peg leg
tahta bacak
pull sb's leg
gırgır geçmek
trouser leg
pantalon bacağı
turkey leg
hindi bacağı
pull smb.'s leg
şaka yapmak
an arm and a leg
(deyim) Çok pahalı
an arm and leg
bir kol ve bacak
bow leg
yay bacak
break a leg
(deyim) Kır su şeytanın bacağını!
break one's leg
ayağını kırmak
break the leg
bacağını kırdı
carrot leg pants
havuç bacak pantolon
charge sb an arm and a leg
anasının nikâhını istemek
chicken's leg
tavuk bacağını
costs an arm and a leg
(deyim) Çok pahalıya mal olmak
fried chicken leg
Kızarmış tavuk butu
give a leg up
Desteklemek, yardım etmek
give no leg to stand on
tutunacak bir dal bırakmamak
give so. a leg up
vermek çok. bir bacak kadar
have a leg up on somebody
(deyim) Birinden daha avantajlı olmak
lamb leg steaks
Kuzu budu bifteği
long leg
uzun bacak
lower leg
alt bacak
narrow leg pants
dar paça
pant leg
pantolon bacak
pay an arm and a leg for
-e çok pahalıya patlamak: You´ll pay an arm and a leg for it. Sana çok pahalıya patlayacak
pull one's leg
Dalga geçmek, kafa bulmak
pull s.o.´s leg
birine takılmak, birini işletmek, biriyle dalga geçmek
pull smb.'s leg
alay etmek
pull someone's leg
Birine takılmak, birini işletmek, biriyle dalga geçmek
pull someone's leg
Kur yapmak
pull someone's leg
(deyim) birisini işletmek

not telling a person te truth,just for a laugh or for amusement.

pull someone's leg
(deyim) Şaka yapmak, dalga geçmek
pulling one's leg
kafaya almak, dalga geçmek
pulling one's leg
(deyim) kafalamak
pulling someones leg
birileri dalga
pulling the leg
bacak çekme
push-off leg
Kaçış bacağı, kaçmayı sağlayan bacak; canlılarda gerektiğinde kaçmayı sağlayacak ivmeyi başlatan bacak;arka bacaklar

In nearly all animals rear legs are push off legs.

put one leg on the other
ayak ayak üstüne atmak
straight leg
düz bacak
take leg bail
kefalet bacak almak
talk a donkey's hind leg
bir eşek's arka bacak konuşmak
third leg
üçüncü ayağı
to pull someone's leg
(deyim) Birine takılmak, birini işletmek, biriyle dalga geçmek
turkey leg
hindi budu
wide leg trouser
bol paça
wooden leg
tahta bacak
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von leg'er*de*main im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

One of the two sides of a right triangle that is not the hypotenuse
A rod-like protrusion from an inanimate object, supporting it from underneath
A single game or match played in a tournament or other sporting contest
evidence, the ability of a thing or idea to stick around or persist
One side of a multiple-sided (often triangular) course in a sailing race
The portion of the lower appendage of a human that extends from the knee to the ankle
A distance that a sailing vessel does without changing the sails from one side to the other
To put a series of three or more options strikes into the stock market
A stage of a journey

After six days, we're finally in the last leg of our cross-country trip.

To remove the legs from an animal carcass
To build legs onto a platform or stage for support
A part of garment, such as a pair of trousers/pants, that covers a leg

The left leg of these jeans has a tear.

The lower limb of a human being or animal that extends from the groin to the ankle

Dan won't be able to come to the party, since he broke his leg last week and is now on crutches.

leg before wicket
A wicket that fell due to LBW
leg before wicket
Describing the way of getting out in which the ball would have hit the batsman's wicket, but hits the batsman's pads instead (without first hitting the bat); abbreviated as LBW
leg before wickets
plural form of leg before wicket
leg break
a normal ball bowled by a leg spin bowler, moving from leg to off (for a right-handed batsman)
leg bye
run scored by a batting side arising from the ball striking any part of the batsman's body without touching the bat. Leg byes are recorded as extras and do not affect the batsman's individual score. A leg bye can only be scored if the batsman was genuinely attempting to play a shot
leg byes
plural form of leg bye
leg curl
An exercise performed on a machine in which the hamstring muscles are exerted to bend the knee while acting against resistance applied to the lower calf. The exercise may be performed while prone or standing, depending on the design of the machine

You'd never dream of doing just bench presses to build a massive chest, or only lateral raises to build up your shoulders, so you'll surely limit your overall leg development if you restrict your hamstring training to leg curls.

leg curls
plural form of leg curl
leg cutter
a ball bowled by a fast bowler who uses finger spin to move the ball from leg to off (for a right-handed batsman)
leg cutters
plural form of leg cutter
leg extension
An exercise performed on a machine while seated. The quadriceps (thigh muscles) are exerted to straighten the knee while acting against resistance applied to the lower shin
leg extensions
plural form of leg extension
leg glance
a type of batsman's shot played with a vertical bat, deflecting the ball behind square leg
leg glance
to play, or hit the ball with, a leg glance
leg irons
A fetter or shackle attached at the ankle
leg it
To run away, to flee

After stealing my handbag he just legged it.

leg it
To hurry

As soon as I heard about the fire I legged it over here as fast as I could.

leg men
plural form of leg man (alternative spelling of legmen)
leg press
An exercise performed by using the legs to press weight away from one's body, while the body remains stationary

The same logic applies to leg presses; the more you lower the sled, the harder your hams have to work, as long as you're controlling the weight.

leg presses
plural form of leg press
leg rope
A cord tied to the surfboard (usually near the tail) and attached to the surfer's leg

2006: The universal adoption of the leg rope has had a significant impact on surfboard construction and design, surfing performance and crowds. — surfresearch.com.au glossary.

leg side
the side of the pitch on the same side as the batsman's legs as he takes his stance at the wicket; the left side for a right-handed batsman
leg slip
a fielding position on the leg side of the wicket-keeper, designed to catch a ball after it hits the bat and deflects by a small amount
leg slips
plural form of leg slip
leg spin
a style of bowling in which a (right-handed) bowler spins the ball such that, after bouncing, it moves from leg to off (for a right-handed batsman)
leg spinner
a bowler who bowls leg spin
leg stump
the stump on the leg side of the batsman's wicket
leg up
the act of assisting another's progress over a wall or other obstacle by forming a step for one of their feet with one's hands
leg up
assistance, help given to get started or overcome a problem or obstacle
leg up
A boost, a sudden improvement; an advantage
leg warmer
A type of garment similar to a footless sock, which usually extends from below the knee to above the ankle
leg warmers
plural form of leg warmer
A leg break ball

Noble joined Wood, and the pair changed the aspect of affairs, 45 being up before a leg breaker from McGiverin proved too good for Noble's defense.

A violent thug, especially one employed as an enforcer by a criminal organization

The thug was an acknowledged leg breaker, a shakedown artist, a peddler of violence.

A cricketer who bowls leg breaks

Armstrong is a leg-breaker, with eight fielders on the on-side. Probably he would do better if he bowled more at the wicket.

A person whose job is to break the legs of poultry in a food processing facility

For example, jobs described as meat wrapper or leg breaker would both be coded butcher meat cutter..

A demanding bicycling competition or the course on which such a competition is held

Zoncolan is a fabled leg breaker of a 13.3km climb that is one of the toughest ascents ever included in a major stage race.

A tackle or other on-field maneuver capable of breaking a player's leg

Arca performed a similar stunt with a high over-the-top-of-the-ball tackle on Andy Johnson, except he connected. It is what is called a leg-breaker.

Alternative spelling of leg spinner
Alternative spelling of leg warmer
A legislature, or legislative building
legislation, legislative, legislature
{n} the limb between the knee and foot
leg up
an act of helping someone to mount a horse or high object
leg up
a boost to improve one's position
leg warmers
(plural noun) a pair of tubular knitted garments covering the legs from ankle to knee or thigh
The case containing the lower part of the belt which carries the buckets
a section of a course between two control points
One side of a spread position
The limb of a human or animal that extends from the groin to the ankle
A leg of lamb, pork, chicken, or other meat is a piece of meat that consists of the animal's or bird's leg, especially the thigh. a chicken leg. a leg of mutton
a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"; "they took the south fork"
That which resembles a leg in form or use; especially, any long and slender support on which any object rests; as, the leg of a table; the leg of a pair of compasses or dividers
a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion
A branch or lateral circuit connecting an instrument with the main line
A disreputable sporting character; a blackleg
To use as a leg, with it as object To bow
A column of type A two-column headline will likely have two legs of type under it
The part of your organization consisting of a Distributor personally sponsored by you and his or her Downline organization Each Distributor that you personally sponsor begins a new Leg
in the phrase to make a leg; probably from drawing the leg backward in bowing
– A part of one’s total distribution organization For example, in a binary compensation plan, there are two separate legs or sales organizations: a first, or left, leg and second, or right, leg
A leg of a sports competition is one of a series of games that are played to find an overall winner. They will televise both legs of Leeds' European Cup clash with Rangers
A bow, esp
An extension of the boiler downward, in the form of a narrow space between vertical plates, sometimes nearly surrounding the furnace and ash pit, and serving to support the boiler; called also water leg
To run
The part of a relay event swum by a single member of a relay team Also, a single stroke of an individual medley
The name of the person who collected the specimen and the number the collector assigned to it if this differs from the AAS specimen number
a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
The endpoint of an internal connection A cross-connect connects two legs together For SVCs and soft PVCs, a leg can be a source leg or a destination leg Also referred to as a "connection leg" or "half-leg "
A leg has an origin, destination, and carrier and is composed of all consecutive segments of a route booked through the same carrier Also called Bookable Leg
A term describing one side of a position with two or more sides When a trader legs into a spread, he/she establishes one side first, hoping for a favorable price movement so the other side can be executed at a better price This is, of course, a higher-risk method of establishing a spread position
Each 1st level Distributor of an organization is the start of a new leg
the part of the relay event that is swum by a single team member Local Swimming Commitees (LSC) - administrative arms of USS which supervise competitive swimming within established geographic boundaries UMLY is in the Middle Atlantic LSC The Middle Atlantic LSC includes New Jersey, south of Mercer and Monmouth Counties; Delaware; and Pennsylvania east of and including Potter, Clinton, Centre, Huntingdon, and Bedford Counties
one of the supports for a piece of furniture
A single segment of an itinerary
If you say that someone does not have a leg to stand on, or hasn't got a leg to stand on, you mean that a statement or claim they have made cannot be justified or proved. It's only my word against his, I know. So I don't have a leg to stand on
the limb of an animal used for food
– One section of a voyage
A person or animal's legs are the long parts of their body that they use to stand on. He was tapping his walking stick against his leg. + -legged -legged Her name was Sheila, a long-legged blonde. a large four-legged animal
{i} one of the two or four limbs that support and move an animal or human; part of the lower limb of a human from the knee to the ankle; something which resembles a leg; section of a garment which covers the leg; section of a course or journey
A risk-oriented method of establishing a two-sided position Rather than entering into a simultaneous transaction to establish the position (a spread, for example), the trader first executes one side of the position, hoping to execute the other side at a later time and a better price The risk materializes from the fact that a better price may never be available, and a worse price must eventually be accepted
(nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack
Limb used for supporting the bird
The legs of a table, chair, or other piece of furniture are the parts that rest on the floor and support the furniture's weight. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair + -legged -legged a three-legged stool
A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp
A leg of a long journey is one part of it, usually between two points where you stop. The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya
The course and distance made by a vessel on one tack or between tacks
The part of any article of clothing which covers the leg; as, the leg of a stocking or of a pair of trousers
A survey leg, the measurement between 2 adjacent survey stations in a cave survey Survey & Mapping term Ref JJ
Part of side wall that anchors to the ground and that bow slides into Example
A portion of a route consisting of a starting (from) waypoint and a destination (to) waypoint A route that is comprised of waypoints A, B, C, and D would contain three legs The route legs would be from A to B, from B to C, and from C to D
A line connecting two waypoints Provides a visual presentation of the course line between the two waypoints
a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part between the knee and ankle
One side of a multiple-sided (often a triangle) course in a sailing race
(nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack cloth covering consisting of the part of a garment that covers the leg one of the supports for a piece of furniture a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part between the knee and ankle a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion the limb of an animal used for food
{f} move quickly, run (Slang); go by foot
A prolonged trend in stock market prices, such as a multiple-period bull market or, an option that is one side of a spread transaction See: lifting a leg
an arm and a leg: see arm with your tail between your legs: see tail. legged legging leg it to run in order to escape from someone or something. In a biped, the lower limb, jointed at the knee, supporting the body and used for walking and running. Its bones are the femur (thighbone), the longest bone in the human body; patella (kneecap); tibia (shin); and fibula. The biceps muscle of the thigh bends the leg; the quadriceps straightens it
a prosthesis that replaces a missing leg
that part of the limb between the knee and foot
If you are pulling someone's leg, you are teasing them by telling them something shocking or worrying as a joke. Of course I won't tell them; I was only pulling your leg
A branch circuit; one phase of a polyphase system
Either side of a triangle of a triangle as distinguished from the base or, in a right triangle, from the hypotenuse; also, an indefinitely extending branch of a curve, as of a hyperbola
A rod-like protrusion of an inanimate object, supporting it from underneath
A fielder whose position is on the outside, a little in rear of the batter
cloth covering consisting of the part of a garment that covers the leg
(A), that is, a blackleg (q v ) To make a leg, is to make a bow “The pursuivant smiled at their simplicitye, And making many leggs, tooke their reward ” The King and Miller of Mansfield Leg-bail A runaway To give leg-bail, to cut and run
the legs or tears of the wine, are the trails left on the inner side of the glass They are due to a difference in the evaporation degree between the water and the alcohol of the wine
The legs of a pair of trousers are the parts that cover your legs. He moved on through wet grass that soaked his trouser legs
The flat projecting part of a structural angle
If you say that something or someone is on their last legs, you mean that the period of time when they were successful or strong is ending. This relationship is on its last legs
leg amputation
surgical removal of a leg or part of a leg
leg bone
a bone of the leg
leg bridge
A type of bridge for small spans in which the floor girders are rigidly secured at their extremities to supporting steel legs, driven into the round as piling, or resting on mudsills
leg curl
an exercise designed to strength the flexor muscles of the leg
leg curl
An exercise, usually performed lying on the stomach with weights, in which one lifts one or both heels towards the buttocks and then returns to the starting position, while the rest of the body is kept immobile
leg exercise
exercise designed to strengthen the leg muscles
leg extensor
an exercise designed to strengthen the extensor muscles of the leg
leg irons
metal chains that are put around a prisoner's legs
leg of lamb
lamb leg suitable for roasting
leg room
Leg room is the amount of space, especially in a car or other vehicle, that is available in front of your legs. Tall drivers won't have enough leg room. space for your legs in front of the seats in a car, theatre etc
leg up
Method of mounting in which an assistant stands behind the rider and supports the lower part of his left leg and giving a boost as necessary as the rider springs up off the ground
leg up
help (someone) mount a horse
leg up
Used in the context of general equities (1)Having a portion of the offsetting side of a trade in your pocket (spoken for) so your capital risk in the transaction is reduced (having purchased 10,000 of a 50,000 buy order leaves the trader a "leg up" on 10M shares ); (2) having completed one side of a two-sided transaction, as in a swap or contingency order
leg up
Descriptive of an offense in which the hooker puts his foot into the tunnel of a scrum before the scrumhalf feeds the ball
leg warmers
leggings, thick footless knit stockings worn over the lower legs (originally intended for warmth while dancing)
leg wound
injury on the leg
a joke in which you make someone believe something that is not true
as a joke: trying to make somebody believe something that is not true
a) to help someone to get up to a high place by joining your hands together so they can use them as a step b) to help someone succeed in their job
Cabriole leg
In furniture design, a curved leg with outcurved knee and incurved ankle. A signature design element of the Queen Anne style of furniture, the cabriole predates both 18th century England and Italy. The style originated in Italy and is a conventionalized representation of the rear leg of a leaping goat
arm and a leg
A very high price for an item or service; an exorbitant price; usually used after the verb cost
break a leg
A wish for a successful performance; primarily a valediction to an actor wishing him or her a successful theatrical stage performance
break a leg
To perform well in a theatrical production or comparable endeavor

Go out there and break a leg tonight. Put on a great show!.

chicken leg
A cooked leg of a chicken
dead leg
an injury caused when a player receives a hard knock on the upper thigh, crushing the muscle against the bone
deep square leg
A fielding position on the leg side, square of the batsman's wicket; a fielder in that position
fine leg
A fielding position on the leg side, behind square and near the boundary; the fielder in that position
get a leg up
To gain some advantage; to get a head start

He hopes that all the extra advertising will give him a leg up on the competition.

get a leg up
To get a boost or a lift

I can climb over the fence if I get a leg up from you.

get one's leg over
To have sex

It's all well and good being kind to girls and respecting them, but at the end of the day all I want to do is get my leg over.

get one's leg over
Literally: for a person to lift his or her leg over something

1991: He just didn't quite get his leg over. — Jonathan Agnew, BBC Test Match Special, describing Ian Botham treading on his stumps. Co-commentator Brian Johnston was reduced to a fit of on-air giggles at the (presumably unintentional) double-entendre with the slang sense above. Quoted in The Guinness Book of Cricket Blunders, Cris Freddi, Guinness Publishing, 1996, ISBN 0-85112-624-3, page 138.

hang a leg
Hesitate; hang back
have a bone in one's leg
Used as a fatuous excuse to avoid doing something

No, I can't. I've got a bone in my leg..

hind leg
Either of the two legs towards the rear of a four-legged animal

That was a dreadful question, for the Velveteen Rabbit had no hind legs at all! The back of him was made all in one piece, like a pincushion. He sat still in the bracken, and hoped that the other rabbits wouldn't notice.

hollow leg
Ability or tendency to drink large quantities of alcohol

Where was Uncle? Gone for a stiff one? Again? His hollow leg, you know. Ducking in the john to throw up on his loafers? Probably that. What did he have tonight? Anything good?.

hollow leg
Capacity to eat large quantities

My brother, who had recently overtaken me in height and then racked up another six inches, ate to fill his hollow leg. My father did better than expected, too, eating two pieces of pie with our amaretto-flavored whipped cream.

make a leg
to make a deep bow with the right leg drawn back
not have a leg to stand on
To lack support, as in an argument, debate, or negotiation

There are still those who argue that the Earth is flat, but with modern technology and satellite photos they really do not have a leg to stand on.

pant leg
One leg of a pair of pants
peg leg
Alternative spelling of peg-leg. To limp or hobble (as if one had a wooden leg)
peg leg
Alternative spelling of peg-leg. Someone who has an artificial leg
peg leg
Alternative spelling of peg-leg. A wooden leg or artificial leg
To limp or hobble (as if having a wooden leg)
Descriptive of one with such a leg. E.g. "Peg-leg Pete"
A wooden leg, usually tapered, strapped onto the stump of an amputated leg
pull somebody's leg
To tease someone; to lead someone on; to goad someone into overreacting. It usually implies teasing or goading by jokingly lying

I hadn't pulled Mrs. Barstow's leg for any of that stuff, she had just handed it to me on a platter, and that wasn't my fault.

pull the other leg
In imperative/precative form, used to imply that the speaker does not accept or believe what another has just said
put one's pants on one leg at a time
To be a normal person

Remember, he puts his pants on one leg at a time, just like you.

put one's trousers on one leg at a time
To be a normal person

Remember, he puts his trousers on one leg at a time, just like you.

the red-legged partridge
shake a leg
To get busy; to get going; to be productive

Shake a leg! We haven't got all day.

short leg
a fielding position on the leg side, square of, and close to the batsman; a fielder in the position
show a leg
To wake up and get out of bed. (Used mostly in the imperative)

Show a leg or you're going to be late.

square leg
A fielding position on the leg side, square of the batsman's wicket, between leg gully and midwicket; a fielder in that position
square leg umpire
The umpire who stands at or near square leg to rule on decisions at the batsman's end of the wicket. In some circumstances, the umpire may stand at the equivalent position on the opposite side of the batsman (between gully and point), but is still referred to as the square leg umpire in these circumstances
third leg
penis (specifically a long one)
break a leg!
good luck! (often said to actors before a performance)
carrot leg pants
(Giyim) Slim-fit pants have a snug fit through the legs and end in a small leg opening. Jeans may be cut in this style, and then are often called skinny jeans. Other names for this style include carrot leg pants, cigarette pants, drainpipes, peg leg pants, pencil pants, skinny pants, slimjims, tapered pants, old-school hood jeans or ice-cream cone pants. In some styles, zippers are needed at the bottom of the leg to facilitate pulling them over the feet. Stretch denim, with anywhere from 2% to 4% spandex, may be used to allow jeans to have a super-slim fit
long leg
(Finance) The part of an option spread in which an agreement to buy the underlying security is made
long leg
(Cricket) A fielding position far behind the batsman on the leg side
pull someone's leg
(deyim) to make someone believe something that isn't true. -Have I really pass the exam? Or are you pulling my leg?
pull someone's leg
Subject to a playful hoax or joke(synonym) hoax, play a joke on