means the unprotected side and edge of a floor, roof, or formwork for a floor or other walking/working surface (such as deck) that changes location as additional floor, roof, decking, or formwork sections are placed, formed, or constructed
(LE) - The very front edge of the wing or stabilizer This is the edge that hits the air first
The edge of a glyph that is encountered first when reading text of that glyphs language For glyphs of left-to-right text, the leading edge is the left edge; for glyphs of right-to-left text, the leading edge is the right edge
The front edge of the fin exposed to the greatest amount of air pressure build-up
(also "blade") the lowest or forward-most edge of a club's head, where the sole and face meet Example: Hitting the ball on the sweet spot is preferrable to hitting it with the the blade
The leading edge of a particular area of research or development is the area of it that seems most advanced or sophisticated. I think Israel tends to be at the leading edge of technological development. = cutting edge + leading-edge leading-edge leading-edge technology