lead time

listen to the pronunciation of lead time
Englisch - Türkisch
hazırlık zamanı
gecikme zamanı
kurşun zamanı
TEDARİK SÜRESİ; TEDARİK MÜDDETİ: Bkz. "procurement lead time"
(Askeri) TEDARİK SÜRESİ; TEDARİK MÜDDETİ: Bak. "procurement lead time"
(Askeri,Ticaret) tedarik süresi
(Askeri) tedarik müddeti
teslim süresi
ilk tarih
lead time units
(Bilgisayar) ilk tarih birimleri
administrative lead time
(Askeri) idari tedarik işlem süresi
purchasing lead time
kurşun zaman satın alma
variable lead time
değişken yol zaman
acquisition lead time
(Askeri) tedarik temin süresi
administrative lead time
(Askeri) İdari tedarik zamanı
administrative lead time
(Askeri) İDARİ TEDARİK İŞLEM SÜRESİ: Tedarik işlemlerinin başlamasıyla sözleşmenin veya siparişin yapılması arasında geçen zaman. Ayrıca bak: "procurement lead time"
planning lead time
(Askeri) Planlamanın başlama süresi
procurement lead time
(Askeri) TEDARİK ÖN SÜRESİ: Tedarik faaliyetlerinin başlamasıyla, böyle bir faaliyetin sonucu olarak satın alınmış imalat modelinin (prototipler hariç) ikmal sistemine girişi arasında, ay olarak fasıla. Bu sure istihsal suresi (production lead time) ve idari süre (administrative lead time) diye adlandırılan iki unsurdan ibarettir. Ayrıca bakınız: "initiation of procurement action", "level of supply", "receipt into the supply system"
production lead time
(Askeri) ÜRETİM ÖN SÜRESİ, İSTİHSAL ÖN SÜRESİ: Bir sözleşmenin yapılması ile satın alınan malzemenin ikmal sistemine alınması arasında geçen süre. İki kayıt şekli mevcuttur
strategic warning lead time
(Askeri) STRATEJİK UYARI SONRASI DÖNEM: Stratejik ikazın alınmasıyla muhasamat başlangıcı arasında geçen zaman. Bu süre iki faaliyet dönemini içine alır: Stratejik uyarı karar öncesi dönemi ve stratejik uyarı karar sonrası dönemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "commanders estimate of the situation"; "strategic concept", "strategic warning"
Englisch - Englisch
The amount of time between the initiation of some process and its completion, e.g. the time required to manufacture or procure a product; the time required before something can be provided or delivered

It's an excellent device, but it has a 10-week lead time, so be sure to order it in advance.

The time between the initial stage of a project or policy and the appearance of results: "A long lead-time in oil production because of the need for new exploration and drilling."
Period of time required to prepare for a certain stage of a project For example, the lead time in introducing a new product is the time it takes for research, development, market research, and factory preparation
the time between getting the query or article and publishing the article Vital for seasonal articles and stories
The amount of time between the request of a service and the actual provision of this service A span of time required to perform an activity In a logistics context, the time between the initiation of a process and its completion
Elapsed time between acquisition of a manuscript by an editor and its publication
the length of time between the placing of an order and receiving it
Lead time is the period of time that it takes for goods to be delivered after someone has ordered them. Lead times on new equipment orders can run as long as three years. the time that it takes to make or produce something
In logistics, the time between ordering and receiving goods In production, the time a series of operations takes
The total time a customer must wait to receive a product after placing an order When a scheduling and production system are running at or below capacity, lead time and throughput time are the same When demand exceeds capacity there will be additional waiting time before the start of scheduling and production
Time required to manufacture a product from order placement until availability It includes planning, engineering, tool design and construction, acquisition of materials, scheduling, fabrication, finishing and packaging
The time which elapses between initiating a process and its completion For example, purchasing lead time refers to the period between initiating the purchasing process by issuing a purchase requisition document and the arrival of the ordered goods in the warehouse Similarly, production lead time refers to the period between starting the production process (by issuing a production order) and the arrival of products in the finished goods inventory Delivery lead time is the time between starting the delivery process (by, for example, issuing a picking list) and the arrival of the goods at the customer's venues In contrast, order fulfillment lead time refers to the period between receiving an order and the arrival of goods at the customer's venues Synonymous: cycle time
The period of time from the date goods or services are requisitioned to the time when goods can be delivered
The total amount of time the customer must wait on their order after placing it
Lead time is the time between the original design or idea for a particular product and its actual production. They aim to cut production lead times to under 18 months
The time period between placing an order with a supplier and when it is delivered to the store
the interval between the start and end of an activity or series of activities
the time interval between the initiation and the completion of a production process; "the lead times for many publications can vary tremendously"; "planning is a area where lead time can be reduced
Task two starts before Task 1 ends in a controlled manner A lead time is expressed by a negative (-) sign in MS Project Units can have all duration labels from the duration table or can be a percentage (%)
Length of time required to perform a process
The amount or period of time before the announcement of an event and its occurrence, or between the notification that a task must be undertaken and the time at which it must be completed
(Ticaret) The total amount of time between the recognition of a required task, operation or process and its completion. Elements of lead time can include order entry, material accumulation, machine setup, queue, processing, move and other activities, which can be classified by systems that seek to eliminate waste as valued-added (processing that actively adds value as perceived by the customer) and non value-added
The total time that elapses between an order's placement and its receipt It includes the time required for order transmittal, order processing, order preparation, and transit                   
The time gained in treating or controlling a disease when detection is earlier than usual, e g , in the presymptomatic stage, as when screening procedures are used for detection
lead time offset
(Ticaret) MRP processing logic that defines the release date of a planned order by determining the planned receipt date and backing up as required by the defined lead time
procurement lead time
TEDARİK ÖN SÜRESİ: Tedarik faaliyetlerinin başlamasıyla, böyle bir faaliyetin sonucu olarak satın alınmış imalat modelinin (prototipler hariç) ikmal sistemine girişi arasında, ay olarak fasıla. Bu sure istihsal suresi (production lead time) ve idari süre (administrative lead time) diye adlandırılan iki unsurdan ibarettir. Ayrıca bakınız: "initiation of procurement action", "level of supply", "receipt into the supply system"
procurement lead time
The interval between the initiation of a procurement action and receipt of the products or services purchased as the result of such action
cumulative lead time
(Ticaret) Total lead time for an end item, calculated by taking the individual lead times for all items on the critical path through all levels of the bill of material. The cumulative lead time describes the lead time required to finish an end item if no raw materials, components or intermediate levels were on hand and had to be ordered and produced to create the final item
demand over lead time
(Ticaret) (DOLT) The projected usage of a component or other material over the replenishment lead time. A predictable usage rate is assumed when calculating lot sizes and reorder levels based on lead time demand
fixed lead time
(Ticaret) A lead time that does not vary because of quantity changes. A manufacturing process such as curing, drying or baking may require a set amount of time regardless of the volume being processed
period of time that passes from the beginning of an activity to its completion, total time spent on an activity
manufacturing lead time
(Ticaret) The total length of time used to process raw materials and components through all upper levels in the bill of material into an end item. It specifies the total of all individual elements of lead time such as order preparation, queue, setup, run, inspection, etc. used and indicates a projected availability date for an end item if all lowest level raw material is on-hand
purchasing lead time
(Ticaret) The total time required to place and receive purchased items, which includes internal review and placement time (order release), vendor transportation time, and the dock to stock activities to receive and store
safety lead time
(Ticaret) A hedge lead time added to the actual or calculated lead time that initiates earlier order release. Items planned on a to-order instead of a to-stock basis may use safety lead time instead of safety stock to handle critical requirements when carrying additional inventory is not desirable
static lead time
(Ticaret) A fixed lead time that does not vary based on process or quantity considerations
variable lead time
(Ticaret) Lead time for a manufactured or purchased item that varies due to changes in quantity or process constraints
lead time