(Diş Hekimliği) alveol kemiğindeki diş kök yuvalarını sınırlayan kortikal kemik tabakası; radyografide devamlı bir beyaz çizgi olarak görünmesi ile, sağlıklı bir periodonsiyum olduğu ve periapikal lezyon olmadığı sonucuna varılabilmesi nedeni ile, tanı açısından önemli
The flattened or arched part of the vertebral arch, forming the roof of the spinal canal The posterior part of the spinal ring that covers the spinal cord or nerves
A proteoglycan and glycoprotein sheet secreted by cells to form the extracellular matrix The basal lamina, also called the basement membrane, is a three-layer structure that influences cell polarity, differentiation, and migration
a term used to describe the different layers which make up the basement membrane These different layers of the basement membrane, the lamina lucida and lamina densa are only visible with electron microscopy Into the lamina dense collagen fibres of the lamina propria are anchored And on the epithelial side are anchored bundles of tonofilaments from the hemi-desmosomes which anchor the basal epithelial cells to the basement membrane