
listen to the pronunciation of kutuplar
Türkisch - Englisch

Indifference is like the ice on the poles: it kills everything. - Kayıtsızlık kutuplardaki buz gibidir: her şeyi öldürür.

Juno will provide the first close look at Jupiter's poles. - Juno Jüpiter'in kutuplarında ilk yakın bakışı sağlayacak.

usually used to name the precise top and bottom of the ball, the North and South poles May also be called points A and B
the stabilizing struts between the basket, the burner mount and the load cables On some balloons the poles are actually load-bearing elements; on others they simply act as stiff or slightly flexible guides for the actual load-bearing elements and connections from envelope sensors to the instrument console Also referred to as "burner supports", "supports" or "flexi poles" there main job is to stop the burner knocking you on the head during landing
Magnetic devices set up inside the motor by the placement and connection of the windings Divide the number of poles into 7200 to determine the motor's normal speed For example, 7200 divided by 2 poles equals 3600 RPM
Small-diameter wood used in an unprocessed form for construction, fence posts and other purposes
Values of complex frequency, which make the transfer function infinite Factors of the denominator of the transfer function polynomial
The magnetic poles set up inside an electric machine by the placement and connection of the windings
The two extreme points at the ends of the Earth in the North and South
The ends of a magnet, where its magnetism appears to be concentrated
Trees that are used in making poles; typically telephone poles
The parts of a magnet where the magnetic field is strongest
are the most northerly and southerly points on the Earth Once each day the Earth spins around its axis, which is a straight line, through the Earth, between these poles
A way of picturing magnetic phenomena All magnets are considered to be "dipoles", having both a North pole (which would point North if used in a compass) and a South pole (which would point South if used in a compass In an alternator, generator, or motor the number of Poles is a measure of how many coils, permanent magnets or electromagnets are in the armature or stator
The two ends of a magnet that have maximum forces of attraction
Timbers in the round usually used to support power or telephone lines
plural of pole

Uranus tilts over so far on its axis that it rotates on its side. Because of this, its poles are sometimes pointed almost directly at the Sun. - Uranüs, ekseninde çok fazla yana yatar öyle ki yan tarafı etrafında döner. Bu yüzden, kutupları bazen neredeyse direk güneşi işaret eder.

This pole is sharp at the end. - Bu kutup sonunda keskindir.

field core

The 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics official mascots are The Polar Bear, The Hare, The Leopard and two aliens called The Snowflake and The Ray of Light. - 2014 Sochi Kış Olimpiyatlarının resmi maskotları Kutup Ayısı, Tavşan, Leopar ve Kar Tanesi ve Işık Demeti adlarındaki iki uzaylıdır.

The only natural enemies of beluga whales are polar bears. - Beluga balinalarının tek doğal düşmanı kutup ayılarıdır.

(an) expert, (an) authority
(geographic, celestial, electrical, magnetic) pole
pole; polar

Uranus tilts over so far on its axis that it rotates on its side. Because of this, its poles are sometimes pointed almost directly at the Sun. - Uranüs, ekseninde çok fazla yana yatar öyle ki yan tarafı etrafında döner. Bu yüzden, kutupları bazen neredeyse direk güneşi işaret eder.

Earth rotates on its polar axis. - Dünya kutup ekseninde döner.

zıt kutuplar
poles apart
zıt kutuplar olmak
be poles apart
Türkisch - Türkisch

Definition von kutuplar im Türkisch Türkisch wörterbuch

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