kovanda toplamak

listen to the pronunciation of kovanda toplamak
Türkisch - Englisch
A structure, which a swarm of honeybees inhabits or has inhabited
{v} to put into a hive, take shelter, join, mix
move together in a hive or as if in a hive; "The bee swarms are hiving"
store, like bees; "bees hive honey and pollen"; "He hived lots of information
To store up in a hive, as honey; hence, to gather and accumulate for future need; to lay up in store
On Microsoft Windows, a registry subkey that corresponds to a set of files in the \system32\config directory
A place swarming with busy occupants; a crowd
To take shelter or lodgings together; to reside in a collective body
a teeming multitude gather into a hive; "The beekeeper hived the swarm"
A hive is a structure in which bees are kept, which is designed so that the beekeeper can collect the honey that they produce
A box, basket, or other structure, for the reception and habitation of a swarm of honeybees
approval If you describe a place as a hive of activity, you approve of the fact that there is a lot of activity there or that people are busy working there. In the morning the house was a hive of activity
a teeming multitude
The bees of one hive; a swarm of bees
- One of the six pentagonal towers situated around the city, serving as a base of operations for Drones
store, like bees; "bees hive honey and pollen"; "He hived lots of information"
{f} go into a hive; cause to enter a hive; take shelter (as in a hive); store up, save in a safe place; live together like bees in a hive
a man-made receptacle that houses a swarm of bees
To collect into a hive; to place in, or cause to enter, a hive; as, to hive a swarm of bees
kovanda toplamak