The witch gave him a terrible curse.
and there was even a party of the younger men who pretended to admire him, calling him a true sea-dog, and real old salt, and such-like names, and saying there was the sort of man that made England terrible at sea.
Whatever he thinks, he is a terrible driver.
The food was terrible, but it was free.
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
- Soru sormaktan korkma.
Don't be afraid to make a mistake.
- Hatalar yapmaktan korkmayın.
Man fears disasters such as floods and fires.
- İnsan su baskınları ve yangınlar gibi felaketlerden korkar.
They fear that he may be dead.
- Onun ölü olabileceğinden korkuyorlar.
My little brother says that he had a dreadful dream last night.
- Küçük erkek kardeşim dün gece korkunç bir rüya gördüğünü söylüyor.
He may dread to learn the results.
- O, sonuçları öğrenmeye korkabilir.