kesme işareti

listen to the pronunciation of kesme işareti
Türkisch - Englisch

TDK has decided to abolish the use of apostrophe in names of institutions. - TDK kurum isimlerinde kesme işareti kullanımını kaldırma kararı aldı.

There's an apostrophe missing. It's and its are different. -- I know. It was a typing error. - Eksik bir kesme işareti var. It's veits farklıdır. -- Biliyorum. Bir yazım hatasıydı.

The text character ’ (used to mark the possessive or to show the omission of letters or numbers)
A figure of speech by which the orator or writer suddenly breaks off from the previous method of his discourse, and addresses, in the second person, some person or thing, absent or present; as, Milton's apostrophe to Light at the beginning of the third book of "Paradise Lost
The mark ['] used to denote that a word is contracted (as in ne'er for never, can't for can not), and as a sign of the possessive, singular and plural; as, a boy's hat, boys' hats
the mark (') used to indicate the omission of one or more letters from a printed word address to an absent or imaginary person
An apostrophe is the mark ' when it is written to indicate that one or more letters have been left out of a word, as in `isn't' and `we'll'. It is also added to nouns to form possessives, as in `Mike's car'. a) the sign (') that is used in writing to show that numbers or letters have been left out, as in 'don't' (=do not) and '86 (=1986) b) the same sign used before 's' to show that something belongs to someone or something, or is connected with them, as in 'John's book', or 'Charles' mother', or 'Henry's first year as a teacher' c) the same sign used before 's' to show the plural of letters and numbers as in 'Your r's look like v's.' (apostrophus, from , from apostrephein , from apo- ( APOCALYPSE) + strephein )
In the latter use it originally marked the omission of the letter e
" The contraction of a word by the omission of a letter or letters, which omission is marked by the character ['] placed where the letter or letters would have been; as, call'd for called
A sudden exclamatory piece of dialogue addressed to someone or something, especially absent
The text character ('), which is used to mark the possessive ('s) or to show the omission of letters or numbers (tho', they'll, '65)
{i} punctuation mark used to indicate omission of letters or possession; digression in a discourse to someone not present
The contraction of a word by the omission of a letter or letters, which omission is marked by the character ['] placed where the letter or letters would have been; as, call'd for called
kesme işareti gram
Türkisch - Türkisch
Özel adlara getirilen ekleri, iki sözün birleşmesi sırasında ortaya çıkan ses düşmesini veya bazı yabancı sözlerin kesintili okunacağını belirtmek için kullanılan ( ' ) işaretinin adı, apostrof
kesme imi
kesme işareti