kesik olma

listen to the pronunciation of kesik olma
Türkisch - Englisch
a subterranean interface at which seismic velocities change
a point in the range of a function at which it is undefined or not continuous
{n} a disunity of parts, a separation
A sudden or rapid change in physical properties of rocks within the Earth Discontinuities are recognized by seismic data See also: Mohorovicic discontinuity
To deprive of a commission or trust
A break or interruption in the normal structure of an object
To deprive of the right of common
Comparatively large contrast in meteorological elements over a relatively small distance or period of time In oceanography, it is the abrupt change or jump of a variable at a line or surface
To deprive of commonable quality, as lands, by inclosing or appropriating
A major shift in a trend, that is so drastic that it cannot be accounted for by normal variation An example might be the population shifts due to the baby boom A larger scale example would be change from the industrial revolution to the information revolution
One who discommends; a dispraiser
lack of connection of continuity To expose to censure or ill favor; to put out of the good graces of any one
To deprive of privileges
lack of connection of continuity
Blame; censure; reproach
A break in sequence or continuity of anything
Any interruption in sedimentation, whatever its cause or length, usually a manifestation of nondeposition and accompanying erosion
(I'm still working on this one but its my educated guess that it's a discontinuation of your present time-space when you do time travel)
To discommode
a lack of continuity, regularity or sequence; a break or gap
kesik olma