karışmak; katmak, karıştırmak

listen to the pronunciation of karışmak; katmak, karıştırmak
Türkisch - Englisch
{f} commingle
{v} to mix, blend or join together
to blend
To allow to mix, as in money belonging to two or more people deposited to the same account and used by each person regardless of the amount they have deposited
mix or blend; "His book commingles sarcasm and sadness"
To integrate dissimilar mail into the same mail stream, possibly resulting in further postal discounts by taking advantage of the increased volume to intended ZIP codes
mix or blend; "His book commingles sarcasm and sadness
To mix, to blend
to mingle or mix, such as the deposit of another's money in a broker's personal account
To become mixed or blended
To mingle together; to mix in one mass, or intimately; to blend
{f} merge, mix, blend; become a part of, join in
mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
To mix together money or a deposit with personal funds; combine
karışmak; katmak, karıştırmak