kafatası eklem yerlerinin normal zamanından erken birleşmesi, kraniyosinostoz

listen to the pronunciation of kafatası eklem yerlerinin normal zamanından erken birleşmesi, kraniyosinostoz
Türkisch - Englisch
(Tıp, İlaç) craniosynostosis
Cranial deformity produced when the bones of the skull fuse too early
a medical condition in which some or all of the sutures in the skull of an infant close too early, causing problems with normal brain and skull growth
or craniostosis Cranial deformity produced when the bones of the skull fuse too early. Pressure from the growing brain normally causes the skull bones to grow along the seams (cranial sutures) between them. If all the sutures fuse early, the head remains abnormally small, which can cause mental retardation or blindness. If only one or some fuse early, the skull grows in other directions and becomes deformed. Surgery in the first two years to keep the sutures open longer minimizes these complications
kafatası eklem yerlerinin normal zamanından erken birleşmesi, kraniyosinostoz


    ka·fa·ta·sı ek·lem yer·le·ri·nin nor·mal za·ma·nın·dan er·ken bir·leş·me·si, kra·ni·yo·si·nos·toz