k rations

listen to the pronunciation of k rations
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von k rations im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

k ration
(Askeri) K RASYONU: Olağanüstü hallerde, normal olarak verilemeyen rasyonun yerine getirilen sahra rasyonu
Englisch - Englisch
plural form of K ration
K ration
An individual daily combat food ration introduced by the United States Army during World War II and comprising three courses for breakfast, dinner and supper
K ration
An emergency field ration for U.S. armed forces in World War II, consisting of a single packaged meal
k ration
a small package of emergency rations; issued to United States troops in World War II
k ration
{i} small package of emergency food rations that were supplied to the U.S. armed forces in World War II
k rations


    k ra·tions

    Türkische aussprache

    key räşınz


    /ˈkā ˈrasʜənz/ /ˈkeɪ ˈræʃənz/


    ... the dry food markets are must as well as the rations from anatolia that are eaten ...