marked by or composed of disconnected parts or sounds; cut short crisply; "staccato applause"; "a staccato command"; "staccato notes" separating the notes; in music; "play this staccato, please
An articulation mark that indicates that notes should be played short and detached notes Marked as a dot above or below the note heads Articulation Notation
It is opposed to legato, and often indicated by heavy accents written over or under the notes, or by dots when the performance is to be less distinct and emphatic
action is noticeably used in Tango by advanced dancers who hold their 'slow' counts and snap their 'quicks' to add punch and fire to this dramatic Ballroom dance
Notes marked by a dot, played or sung shorter, separate from the others around it, and with a light accent
An articulation marking directing that a note or passage of notes are to be played in an abruptly disconnected manner, with each note sounding for a very short duration, and a short break lasting until the sounding of the next note; as opposed to legato. Staccato is indicated by a dot directly above or below the notehead