Residence or place of abode; as, winter quarters, the place where an army lodges during the winter months We say “this quarter of the town,” meaning this district or part; the French speak of the Latin Quartier- i e the district or part of Paris where the medical schools, etc , are located; the Belgians speak of quartiers a $$$ lodgings to let; and bachelors in England often say, “Come to my quarters”- i e apartments All these are from the French verb écarter (to set apart) “There shall no leavened bread be seen with thee, neither shall there be leaven seen in all thy quarters [any of thy houses] ”- Exodus xiii 7 Quarterdeck The upper deck of a ship from the main-mast to the poop; if no poop, then from the main-mast to the stern In men-of-war it is used as a promenade by officers only
Within circle, these are the north, east, south and west points upon the circle which correspond to the individual Elements, together with various energies, colours, spirits, animals, etc Also referred to as watchtowers
The North, East, South, and West parts of a magickal circle or other ritual area (See also "Watchtowers")
housing available for people to live in; "he found quarters for his family"; "I visited his bachelor quarters"
A specific location, defined as "quarter," or "plantation" listed in the probate inventory This is a Main Inventory Table field
Academic calendar consisting of four terms, approximately 10 weeks in length; some quarter-system schools have course in the summer