just (now)

listen to the pronunciation of just (now)
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von just (now) im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

just now
az önce

Az önce yağmur yağmaya başladı. - It began raining just now.

Suudi Arabistan büyük elçisinin istifa ettiğini az önce gördüm. - I've seen just now that the ambassador of Saudi Arabia has resigned.

just now

İngilizce ödevimi yapmayı henüz şimdi bitirdim. - I have just now finished doing my English homework.

just now
şu anda

Şu anda o sorun hakkında düşünüyordum. - I was just now thinking about that problem.

Tom şu anda burada değil. - Tom isn't here just now.

just now
just now
hemen şimdi

Babam hemen şimdi dışarı çıktı. - Dad just now went out.

Evet, ama o hemen şimdi gitti. - Yes, but she left just now.

just now
şu tapta
just now

O şimdi eve geldi. Bunu bilmiyor muydunuz? - He came home just now. Didn't you know that?

Ben şimdi onun adını hatırlayamıyorum. - I can't think of his name just now.

just now
biraz önce: They were here just now. Biraz önce buradaydılar
just now
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von just (now) im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

just now
Very close to the present moment

I was talking to my friend on the phone just now.

just now
In a little while. Shortly, which could mean within ten minutes or two hours or at some indeterminate time within the near future

I'll be coming just now.

just now
just this moment, justa a moment ago
just now
only a moment ago; "he has just arrived"; "the sun just now came out"
just (now)