I'm just an ordinary Joe.
With a name like Joe, Joe always said, I had to open a bar and grill, just so I could put up a sign saying 'Joe's Bar and Grill'..
Give me a cuppa joe.
Write the instructions so that any Joe Average can understand them.
Quoting Joe Public proved a dangerous game in the 2008 US presidential elections after he was personified in Joe 'the' Plumber, an actual plumber without previous media exposure.
You go to Joe's grill or Doc's for cokes not because those places are charming, or the food good—but because the crowd goes.
I don't care whether you are working in Joe's Diner or at The Four Seasons; your customer should never have to give your service enough thought to evaluate it.
Steve Wozniak may be a well-heeled philanthropist and world-renowned tinkerer, but at one time he had a Joe job as an engineer in Hewlett-Packard's calculator division.
Not the way Uncle Joe looked at it. He was genuinely afraid of Trotsky—.
Pike Place is Starbucks' attempt to address complaints that its regular cup of joe is bitter, overroasted and burnt..
... >>Joe Britt: Thank you. If he touches it again, it starts playing. ...
... to you about an even larger type of accessory. Joe. ...