
listen to the pronunciation of jesus
Englisch - Türkisch
{i} Hazreti İsa

Eğer İngilizce Hazreti İsa için yeterince iyi olsa, benim için yeterince iyi olur. - If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me.

Sevgili kardeşlerim, Hazreti İsa yükseldi! Sevgi nefret üzerinde zafer kazandı, hayat ölümü ele geçirdi, ışık karanlığı dağıttı. - Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness!

Jesus! Allah Allah! Jesus Christ İsa Mesih
hz isa
isa peygamber
{ü} Allah Allah!
{i} Hz. İsa

Para tacirleri Hz. İsa tarafından tapınaktan kovuldular. - The money-changers were driven out of the temple by Jesus.

Hz. İsa Beytüllahim'de doğdu. - Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

{i} İsa peygamber
{i} İsa

Neredeyse Paskalya Bayramı zamanıydı, İsa Kudüs'e gitti. - When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

Kuran'da Hz. Meryem ve Hz. İsa'nın doğumu hakkında bir bölüm vardır. - In the Quran there is a part about Saint Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ.

ısa peygamber
Hazreti ısa
(isim) Isa
Jesus Christ
Yüce İsa! Ulu Tanrım!
jesus christ

Hristiyan inancında, imanlıların inancına göre, tek bir tanrının vardır ve İsa tanrının oğludur. - In the Christian faith, followers believe that there is only one God, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Kuran'da Hz. Meryem ve Hz. İsa'nın doğumu hakkında bir bölüm vardır. - In the Quran there is a part about Saint Mary and the birth of Jesus Christ.

jesus christ
isa mesih

Kişisel Kurtarıcınız olarak İsa Mesih'i kabul ediyor musun? - Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?

Benim İsa Mesih ile kişisel bir ilişkim var. - I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

jesus christ!
hayret bir şey!
jesus christ
İsa peygamber, İsa aleyhisselam
jesus christ
hazreti İsa

Eğer İngilizce Hazreti İsa için yeterince iyi olsa, benim için yeterince iyi olur. - If English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it's good enough for me.

Sevgili kardeşlerim, Hazreti İsa yükseldi! Sevgi nefret üzerinde zafer kazandı, hayat ölümü ele geçirdi, ışık karanlığı dağıttı. - Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus Christ is risen! Love has triumphed over hatred, life has conquered death, light has dispelled the darkness!

jesus christ
İsa peygamber
jesus fuck me christ
(Argo) allah beni kahretsin
Jesus Christ
ısa peygamber
birth of jesus christ
Lord Jesus
Hazreti isa
Prophet Jesus
(Din) Hazreti İsa peygamber
personal jesus
(Muzik) Personal Jesus Marilyn Manson'ın Lest We Forget albümünün ilk single'ı. Şarkı Martin Göre imzalı bir Depeche Mode şarkısıdır. Şarkıyı Manson ve Skold beraber kaydetmişlerdir
society of jesus
Cizvit rahipleri
Jesus Christ
Hazreti ısa
Society of Jesus
vicar of jesus christ
Englisch - Englisch
A Christian savior

Your own personal Jesus.

A male given name in Spanish culture; an anglicized spelling of Jesús
An expletive, whose use is considered blasphemous in some Christian sects
An artistic representation of a Christian savior
Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish man whom Christians name Jesus Christ in belief that he is the Messiah
A male given name, especially in Spanish culture
{i} Jesus of Nazareth (4BC?-29AD?), Jewish prophet born in Bethlehem who gathered disciples in the Galilee and claimed to be the Messiah and whose teachings form the base of the Christian religion
feelings Jesus is used by some people to express surprise, shock, or annoyance. This use could cause offence. .Jesus 'Christ the man who Christians believe was the son of God, and on whose life and ideas Christianity is based. used to express anger, surprise, or shock. In Christianity, the son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. Christian doctrine holds that by his crucifixion and resurrection he paid for the sins of all mankind. His life and ministry are recounted in the four Gospels of the New Testament. He was born a Jew in Bethlehem before the death of Herod the Great in 4 BC, and he died while Pontius Pilate was Roman governor of Judaea (AD 28-30). His mother, Mary, was married to Joseph, a carpenter of Nazareth (see St. Joseph). Of his childhood after the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke, nothing is known, except for one visit to Jerusalem with his parents. He began his ministry about age 30, becoming a preacher, teacher, and healer. He gathered disciples in the region of Galilee, including the 12 Apostles, and preached the imminent arrival of the Kingdom of God. His moral teachings, outlined in the Sermon on the Mount, and his reported miracles won him a growing number of followers, who believed that he was the promised messiah. On Passover he entered Jerusalem on a donkey, where he shared the Last Supper with his disciples and was betrayed to the Roman authorities by Judas Iscariot. Arrested and tried, he was condemned to death as a political agitator and was crucified and buried. Three days later visitors to his tomb found it empty. According to the Gospels, he appeared several times to his disciples before ascending into heaven
Jesus or Jesus Christ is the name of the man who Christians believe was the son of God, and whose teachings are the basis of Christianity
The name of the central person in the Christian faith, "The author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12 v 2) He was born about 2000 years ago in Bethlehem His mother, Mary, was married to Joseph Before their marriage was completed, Mary became pregnant, having conceived a child by the Holy Spirit Following the instructions given by angelic revelation, the child was called Jesus Jesus is from the Greek form of the Hebrew name, Joshua It means the Lord saves He was also to be called Immanuel, which means 'God with us' Eventually Jesus was accused by his fellow Jews of blasphemy and brought before the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate Jesus was crucified between two thieves Christians believe that He died for our sins and that He rose again on the third day The Resurrection of Jesus from the dead is a central Christian belief
(YEA-zoos), Jesulein Jesus, Baby Jesus
the source of the Course, its first person or " I" ; the one who first completed his part in the Atonement, enabling him to be in charge of the whole plan; transcending his ego, Jesus has become identified with Christ and can now serve as our model for learning and an ever-present help when we call upon him in our desire to forgive (Note -- not to be exclusively identified with Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity )
a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
The name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew word "Joshua" meaning saviour
A Master of Wisdom and disciple of the Christ, Maitreya Allowed the Christ to work through him during the period from his baptism through the crucifixion, 2,000 years ago In the coming time, he will play a major role in reinspiring and reorienting the whole field of Christian religion
Jesus is the embodiment of the one true source of Reason, the LOGOS, Head of the Church
The name of a first century Jew of the Second Temple Period known more fully as Yeshua benYosef ha-Notzri, the adopted son of a carpenter from Nazareth, hailed by his followers as the promised Jewish Messiah and Savior of the World (NOTE: The name Yeshua, when converted to Greek, which was the lingua franca of the times, comes out IESOUS (Yay-soos) In Latin spelling that would be Iesus or Jesus (still pronounced (Yay-soos) The Latin spelling has been retained in most Western European languages using the Latin alphabet, although pronunciation varies according to idiosyncrasies of each language, especially with regard to the phonetic value of the letter "J" -- "dzh" in English, "zh" in French, "h" in Spanish and "y" in German! (See article Who is Yeshua/Jesus, also New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)
The Savior; the name of the Son of God as announced by the angel to his parents; the personal name of Our Lord, in distinction from Christ, his official appellation
The second person of the Trinity, Who instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and is actually present in the Eucharist under the appearance of bread and wine
child of God
Jesus Christ
A name for Jesus of Nazareth, a first century Jewish carpenter, held to be a prophet, teacher, and the Messiah, or Christ, in Christian and Muslim faiths
Jesus Christ
An expletive or oath, whose use is considered blasphemous by most Christians. Usually an expression of surprise, shock, etc
Jesus Christ
A saviour; one who provides critical help or salvation to others in need
Jesus H. Christ
Jesus Christ

Jesus H. Christ on the cross,” he said. He caught my reflected gaze and held it. “How long have you known about this?”.

Jesus Harold Christ
expression of surprise, contempt, outrage, disgust, boredom, frustration
Jesus Prayer
A particular, brief prayer, in any of its various variants

... The old monk tells him that the one prayer acceptable to God at all times, and 'desired' by God, is the Jesus Prayer—'Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.'....

Jesus fish
Colloquial name for the ichthys, a symbol of a fish made from two intersecting curved lines
Jesus fishes
plural form of Jesus fish
Jesus freak
An enthusiastic Christian
Jesus freak
One who is perceived to be overtly and excessively Christian
Jesus freaks
plural form of Jesus freak
Jesus fucking Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus jammies
The undergarments worn by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Jesus phone
The iPhone

Jesus Phone is an extremely common nickname for the iPhone. Last time we Googled, there were well over 73000 uses of the phrase.

Jesus phones
plural form of Jesus phone
Jesus wept
Expressing annoyed incredulity

Oh, Ennis, oh God Almighty, Ennis. What's the hell's got into you these last few weeks? Oh, Jesus wept, what am I going to do with you? Major Muir wrung his hands.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Used to add emphasis, particularly by Catholics
jesus lizard
A common name for the basilisk lizard genus, known for being able to run across water
Jesus Christ
{ü} Jesus!, God! (interjection used to express surprise, anger, etc.)
Jesus Christ
{i} Jesus of Nazareth (~4BC - 29AD), Jewish prophet from Galilee who claimed to be the Messiah and whose teachings form the base of the Christian religion
Jesus fish
{i} Ichthys, ichthus, fish symbol in Christianity, amulet in the shape of fish generall filled in with Greek letters meaning "Jesus Christ Son of God Savior
Jesus freak
A member of a movement among young Christians adapting traditional evangelicalism to pop culture
jesus christ
The son of God, firstborn of all creation, who was sent from heaven to live as a man, teach about God's Kingdom, and die as a ransom sacrifice, bringing the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty, the sanctification of his holy name, and salvation to those who want it You already knew that The reasons Jesus is listed in the Glossary are first for completeness, because I have also listed {Jehovah}, and second because most people in {Christendom} believe something entirely different about who Jesus was Explaining it further is beyond the scope of this Glossary For more information, see the Insight book [it]
jesus christ
The incarnation of Lord God (Christ)
jesus christ
Perhaps one of the most important persons to have existed in ancient times, JESUS CHRIST was apparently a teacher of good moral values who was publicly sacrificed by the government on a high-cross pole as an everlasting reminder of how "the good" can be destroyed by "human ignorance" The conventional date of his birth nearly twenty centuries ago is now being challenged by new scientific data which suggest he lived only about seven centuries ago JESUS CHRIST eventually replaced the spiritual leader of the Grecian Empire once known as ZEUS See MOSES and ZEUS
jesus christ
a teacher and prophet born in Bethlehem and active in Nazareth; his life and sermons form the basis for Christianity (circa 4 BC - AD 29)
jesus christ
He was born on Christmas Day His God's Son and was born of a virgin He was sent here to die for our sins
jesus christ
The central figure of Christianity, Jesus Christ, is regarded by Christians as the incarnate Son of God, the second person of the Trinity, and the prophesied Hebrew Messiah (anointed one, Deliverer of Israel) Traditional Christian imagery evolved around the major events of Christ's life including his birth, crucifixion (Passion), and resurrection
jesus christ
The founder of the Christian faith Born in Nazareth and killed by crucifixion at the age of about 33
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The major denomination of the Latter Day Saint movement, founded in the United States by Joseph Smith; the Mormon Church
East Jesus
A fictional remote, backwards inhabited place

Their staffs were also well looked after—except for the French, whom we packed off to motels in East Jesus in retaliation for their high-handedness toward the American delegation when they had been hosts a year earlier.

Lord of Lords
Prince of Peace
King of Kings

He needed no intercom to tell him this: that if it hadn't been Dave who so blighted the world, it would've been some other god — Jeebus or Joey or Ali.

Society of Jesus
An order of Roman Catholic clergy, the Jesuits, having a tradition of education, theological scholarship, and missionary work
Wisdom of Jesus son of Sirach
Ecclesiasticus, a book of the Bible
come to Jesus
To become committed or display commitment to a cause
come to Jesus
To experience or display a conversion or recommitment to Christianity or to undergo a related ritual, especially public confession of one's sins or weaknesses
Relating to a similar secular ritual
Relating to a Christian conversion, recommitment, or associated ritual, especially public confession
jumping Jesus
A term used when surprised or shocked, similar to "Jesus Christ!"

Jumping Jesus! I just won $500.

jumping Jesus
Used to show sarcasm pertaining to the level one actually cares or is serious about someone or something

John’s been complaining all night about his girlfriend. Well, Jumping Jesus! Let’s drop what we’re doing and help him out..

sweet Jesus
Used to add emphasis, particularly by Catholics
sweet mother of Jesus
Used to express surprise, disappointment or anger
what would Jesus do
Expression intended to help a Christian facing a choice with moral, ethical or religious implications
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
the official name of the Mormon church, established in the US by Joseph Smith in 1830
Jesus Christ
Rock of Ages
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Society of Jesus
An order of regular clergy, founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, that is strongly committed to education, theological scholarship, and missionary work. the formal name of the Jesuits, a large and respected society of Roman Catholic priests, which was established in the 16th century by St Ignatius Loyola to do missionary work (=to spread the Catholic religion) and to set up Catholic universities in many parts of the world
Society of Jesus
Roman Catholic religious order for men founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, the Jesuits



    Türkische aussprache



    /ˈʤēzəs/ /ˈʤiːzəs/


    [ jE-z&s, -z&z also ] (noun.) From Ancient Greek Ἰησοῦς from Hebrew ישוע. The Greek text makes no distinction between Jesus and Joshua, referring to them both as Ἰησοῦς. The Latin Vulgate is likely the earliest to make a distinction, referring to Jesus as Iesus and Joshua as Iosias.

    Gemeinsame Collocations

    jesus christ, jesus crise