(Jasminum Gradiflorum) It is described as sweet and floral with a 'heady' fragrance Benefits: Great for childbirth to relieve pain and strengthen contractions In skincare, it is useful for dry and/or irritated skin
Acronym for the Joint Air-Sea Monsoon INteraction Experiment, a cruise taking place in the east Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal between April 7 and June 8, 1999 The goal of JASMINE was to observe the atmosphere and ocean environment during a monsoon onset event, including both an active and break period, to understand the conditions responsible for the variability of the monsoon season on short time and space scales [http: //paos colorado edu/~jasmine/] [http: //www atmos washington edu/~serra/JASMINE/jasmine html]
Jasmine is a climbing plant which has small white or yellow flowers with a pleasant smell. a plant that grows up a wall, frame etc and has small, sweet-smelling white or yellow flowers (jasmin, from yasamin). Any of about 300 tropical and subtropical species of fragrant, flowering, woody, climbing shrubs that make up the genus Jasminum of the olive family, native to all continents except North America. The jasmine used in perfumery and aromatherapy comes from the fragrant white flowers of common, or poet's, jasmine (J. officinale), native to Iran. The dried flowers of Arabian jasmine (J. sambac) make jasmine tea. Many fragrant-flowered plants from other families are also commonly called jasmine
Any of a number of flowering, woody shrubs (genus Jasminium) of the olive family Jasmine is native to all continents except North America Many other fragrant, flowering plants are called jasmine, but true jasmine, such as common or poet's jasmine (J officinale) which is native to Iran, is the main source for jasmine fragrance Others, such as Arabian jasmine, are used as teas