iyonize et

listen to the pronunciation of iyonize et
Türkisch - Englisch
To dissociate atoms or molecules into electrically charged species; to be thus dissociated
A process in which ions are created HCl, for example, is a covalent compound that ionizes when it dissolves in water
{f} convert into ions, separate into ions; produce ions in a solution (also ionise)
become converted into ions
convert into ions become converted into ions
Become electrically charged or conductive, as a gas due to radiation or high voltage
convert into ions
to form ions or make them form
To split off one or more electrons from an atom, thus leaving it with a positive electric charge The electrons usually attach to other atoms or molecules, giving them a negative charge
Turn into an ion or charged particle ionizing radiation - Electromagnetic radiation that has sufficient energy to cause the loss of one or more electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them
by dissolving in water
To separate (a compound) into ions, esp
to make an atom or molecule of an element lose an electron, as by X-ray bombardment, and thus be converted into a positive ion The freed electron may attach itself to a neutral atom or molecule to form a negative ion
iyonize et