Thrust is how much push a rocket can give.
- İtme bir roketin ne kadar itme verebileceğidir.
I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire.
- Bisikletimi itmek zorunda kaldım çünkü lastiği patladı.
Thrust is how much push a rocket can give.
- İtme bir roketin ne kadar itme verebileceğidir.
We just kept pushing.
- Biz sadece itmeye devam ettik.
By dint of pushing the words back to the beginning of the sentence, there only remained the two of them at the end: Mary, Tom.
- Kelimeleri cümlenin başına doğru geri itme sayesinde, sonda sadece onlardan ikisi kaldı: Mary, Tom.
They had to take turns pushing the car.
- Arabayı sırayla itmek zorunda kaldılar.
I have to push my bike because one of the tyres is flat.
- Lastiklerden biri boşaldığı için bisikletimi itmek zorundayım.
They had to take turns pushing the car.
- Arabayı sırayla itmek zorunda kaldılar.
With Hit Girl, Moretz is this year's It Girl, alternately sweet, savage and scary.
He saw to it that everyone would vote for him.
It's me. John.
In the next game, Adam and Tom will be it….
Let's play it at breaktime.
It’s lonely without you.
Take each day as it comes.
She took the baby and held it in her arms.