(Mitoloji) Eski Mısır inancına göre ana tanrıça olan İsis, tanrı Osiris'in eşi ve kardeşi; tanrı Horus ve tanrıça Seshat'ın da annesidir. Asıl adı İset ya da Aset şeklinde telaffuz edilir
Definition von isis im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch
goddess who personified the virtues of the wife and mother; she offered protection to the deceased, having been instrumental in restoring the body of her brother and husband, Osiris, after he was dismembered by his murderous brother, Seth
The wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, Isis is usually depicted as a woman with the hieroglyph for the word throne on her head She is often shown in Egyptian art as mourning her husband Osiris or nursing her son Horus
Intermarket Surveillance Information System - Houses detailed and summarized equity and option transaction, quotation and clearance data from all the ISG participants, as well as the proprietary data of participants An NYSE product, ISIS is currently used by the American, Boston, and Philadelphia stock exchanges Providing surveillance personnel with easy on-line access to complete, accurate, and timely data makes surveillance tasks more efficient and effective
Any coral of the genus Isis, or family Isidæ, composed of joints of white, stony coral, alternating with flexible, horny joints
(Image Selective In Vivo Spectroscopy) - a localization scheme consisting of eight scans with different combinations of three inversion pulses and receiver phase for each scan Summation in the correct manner causes all the signals outside of the desired volume to cancel Widely used for phosphorus spectroscopy
wife of Osiris, mother of Horus, the divine magician because of her extraordinary powers, divine mourner of the dead; her name is written with the hieroglyphic sign for "throne," which she wears on her headdress
Wife of Osiris, mother of Horus The goddess of love and maternity, her love of Osiris was so strong she managed to resurrect him from death Also the goddess of magic, able to appear in many forms
The Egyptians adored her as the goddess of fecundity, and as the great benefactress of their country, who instructed their ancestors in the art of agriculture
An acronym for the International Satellites for Ionospheric Studies program After the successful launch of Canada's first satellite, Alouette, Canada and NASA embarked on this international project for atmospheric studies The ISIS program launched Alouette 2, ISIS 1, and ISIS 2
Isis (mythology), Egyptian goddess of fertility and motherhood, and the sister-wife of Osiris Ancient stories described Isis as having great magical skill Egyptian mythology represented her as human in form, often wearing the horns of a cow Her personality resembled that of Hathor, goddess of love and gaiety The cult of Isis spread from Alexandria throughout the Hellenistic world after the 4th century BC, and to Rome around 86 BC Extremely popular in Rome, Isis worship was suppressed because its priestly rites were seen as immoral The cult died out in Rome after the institution of Christianity, and the last remaining Egyptian temples to Isis were closed in the middle of the 6th century AD
Intermediate System to Intermediate System OSI link-state hierarchical routing protocol based on DECnet Phase V routing, whereby ISs (routers) exchange routing information based on a single metric, to determine network topology
Ancient Egyptian goddess, wife of Osiris and mother of Horus, who was worshiped from prehistoric to Roman times As a beneficent mother who protected her devotees, Isis was pictured in Egyptian art as a madonna with child, an iconography that influenced later Christian portraits of Mary and the baby Jesus
Isis is a pagan goddess Washing (similar to Christian baptism) and fasting as part of initiation rite (FUC) Isis worship promised salvation from disease, fate, and fear of death (NIDCC)
A twin spectrograph at the WHT The two `arms' are optimised for response in the red and blue regions of the optical waveband
ISIS is a Scanner Interface developed by Pixel Translations It was developed originally for SCSI-based scanners to be used with an Adaptec SCSI card Kofax provides royalty-free ISIS drivers for a variety of slow to mid-range scanners in the Adrenaline Capture and Adrenaline Image Processing Engines for use with ImageControls-developed applications
Intelligence Sensing for Innovative Structures, Winnipeg, Canada Dr Sami Rizkalla, point-of-contact Part of the Canadian Network of Centers of Excellence (see CNCE) A network dedicated to innovative design and construction technologies
Acronym for Image and Scanner Interface Specification A black and white scanner driver used for scanning text, usually into OCR programs Mustek scanners use ISIS drivers for OCR programs on Macintosh computers
A complex ancient Egyptian goddess. Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. Worshiped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic
in ancient Egyptian mythology, the most important goddess. She was the goddess of nature and was also the wife and sister of Osiris. One of the major goddesses of ancient Egypt, the wife of Osiris. When Osiris was killed by Seth, she gathered up the pieces of his body, mourned for him, and brought him back to life. She hid their son Horus from Seth until Horus was fully grown and could avenge his father. Worshiped as a goddess of protection, she had great magical powers and was invoked to heal the sick or protect the dead. By Greco-Roman times she was dominant among Egyptian goddesses, and her cult reached much of the Roman world as a mystery religion