A treatment which serves primarily to disparage its subject; a piece of criticism which aims to destroy a reputation
State of Denial by Bob Woodward is accused of being nothing more than an election year hatchet job by many Republicans.
To do a hatchet job on someone or something means to say or write something mentioning many bad things about them, which harms their reputation. Unfortunately, his idea of bold journalism was a hatchet job, portraying the staff in a negative light. A crude or ruthless effort usually ending in destruction: did a hatchet job on the mayor's reputation. a newspaper article, television programme etc that criticizes someone severely and unfairly hatchet job on
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i·şi is·ten·me·yen ve·ya ge·rek·siz et·ken·le·ri or·ta·dan kal·dır·mak a·ma·cı bu o·lan iş