international organization

listen to the pronunciation of international organization
Englisch - Türkisch
uluslararası örgütler
(Askeri,Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası örgüt
international organisation
(Politika, Siyaset) uluslararası kuruluş
international organizations
uluslararası örgütler
international civil aeronautics organization
uluslararası sivil havacılık örgütü
international arms control organization
(Askeri) ULUSLARARASI SİLAH KONTROL TEŞKİLATI: Silah kontrol önlemlerini denetlemek ve onaylamak üzere uygun olarak tesis edilmiş teşkilat
international organisation
(Hukuk) uluslar arası organizasyon
international organizations
(Hukuk) uluslar arası örgütler
international relief organization
(Askeri) uluslar arası yardım teşkilatı
jüpiter i kod isimli uydu
Englisch - Englisch
Institution drawing membership from at least three states, having activities in several states, and whose members are held together by a formal agreement. Only a few existed before 1850; several thousand were active in the early 21st century. Some are intergovernmental (e.g., the United Nations), and some are nongovernmental (e.g., Amnesty International). Some have multiple worldwide or regional purposes (e.g., the European Union), and some have single purposes (e.g., the World Intellectual Property Organization). One effect of their proliferation is a stronger sense of interdependence among states, which in turn has stimulated recognition of the need for cooperation to address international and global problems
organization of or for people in various nations
international civil aviation organization
the United Nations agency concerned with civil aviation
international labor organization
the United Nations agency concerned with the interests of labor
international maritime organization
the United Nations agency concerned with international maritime activities
international organization


    in·ter·na·tion·al or·ga·ni·za·tion

    Türkische aussprache

    întırnäşınıl ôrgınızeyşın


    /ˌəntərˈnasʜənəl ˌôrgənəˈzāsʜən/ /ˌɪntɜrˈnæʃənəl ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃən/