A whole number (i e a number containing no fractional part), such as 0, 1, 2, etc
A number without a decimal component; a means of handling such numbers in the computer which requires less space and proceeds more quickly than with numbers having information after the decimal point
In contrast to fractions, an integer is a whole number, either positive or negative; examples: 3, -5, 300
A data type used to represent a whole (integer, non-fraction) number within a limited range
In mathematics, an integer is an exact whole number such as 1, 7, or 24 as opposed to a number with fractions or decimals. a whole number. Whole-valued positive or negative number or
a whole number value In programming languages, integers also have a maximum value, depending on the language definition or the architecture of the machine that the code is compiled on
A complete entity; a whole number, in contradistinction to a fraction or a mixed number
A positive or negative whole number The primitive types byte, short, int and long are used to hold integer values within narrower or wider ranges
Whole, signed numbers 1, 0, and -5 are all integers Also called fixed point since the decimal point is "fixed" at the end of the number The integer type in A is int
{i} whole number, number which is not a fraction or a mixed number; single unit, complete entity
A whole number All the "counting" numbers are integers, plus zero and negative whole numbers An integer does not have any decimal part The following are integers: -3, 0, and 651 The following are not integers: 1 0, -2 0, 0 0 Compare "Real number" below
The integers are generated from the set of counting numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . and the operation of subtraction. When a counting number is subtracted from itself, the result is zero. When a larger number is subtracted from a smaller number, the result is a negative whole number. In this way, every integer can be derived from the counting numbers, resulting in a set of numbers closed under the operation of subtraction (see group theory)
A number without a decimal (0, 1, 25, 173, 1032, etc ) Integer values can be less than, equal to, or greater than zero
A whole number without a fractional component 5 is an integer, but 2 5 is not also integer number
1 generally any whole number (no fractional part) - in Java there are three integer types, byte, int, long 2 Integer is a standard Java class in the package java lang used to provide an object wrapper for integer values
In number theory, integer factorization is the process of breaking down a composite number into smaller non-trivial divisors, which when multiplied together equal the original integer
A number (real or complex) which is a solution to an equation of the form x^2 + Bx + C = 0 for some integers B and C. For example 42, or 2+3i, or 1+\sqrt -3 \over 2
An integer is a maximal sequence of one or more digits (``0'' through ``9''), optionally preceded by a ``-'' character (ordinal value 45) It is interpreted as a base-10 integer value The largest allowable integer magnitude is client and/or server dependent
The whole numbers and their opposites- 0 is an integer but it is neither positive nor negative The integers from -4 to 4 are shown on the number line below