
listen to the pronunciation of instantaneous
Englisch - Türkisch

Yıldırım neredeyse anlıktır. - Lightning is nearly instantaneous.

bir anda olan
Bir anda, anlık
Anlık, anında
(s.) ani, ansızın, anında olan, bir anlık. instantaneously

instantaneously (z.) bir anda olarak; hemen.

Ani, ansızın, anında olan, bir anlık
{s} birden
(Tekstil) aniden
{s} hemen/anında meydana gelen, ani, enstantane

Tom neredeyse hemen öldü. - Tom died almost instantaneously.

{s} şipşak
instantaneous acceleration
(Fizik) anlık ivme
instantaneous current
anı akım
instantaneous frequency
anı frekans
instantaneous frequency
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) anlık sıklık
instantaneous loss function
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anlık yitim işlevi
instantaneous sound pressure
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anlık ses basıncı
instantaneous value
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anlık değer
instantaneous voltage
anı gerilim
instantaneous automatic gain control
ani otomatik kazanç kontrolü
instantaneous blasting cap
ani patlamalı kapsül
instantaneous centre
enstantane merkez
instantaneous current
ani akım
instantaneous frequency
ani frekans
instantaneous latitude
anlık enlem
instantaneous power
ani güç
instantaneous relay
ani röle
instantaneous voltage
ani gerilim
instantaneous water heater
çabuk su ısıtıcısı
instantaneous water heater
anında su ısıtıcısı
instantaneous, immediate, instant
Hemen, anında ani
instantaneous application of
(Askeri) Çok şiddetli ateş kudretinin anında tevcih
instantaneous blasting cap
(Madencilik) birden patlamalı kapçık
instantaneous bomb
(Askeri) hassas tapalı bomba
instantaneous braking power
(Otomotiv) anlık fren gücü
instantaneous braking power
(Otomotiv) anlık frenleme gücü
instantaneous deformation
birden biçim değiştirme
instantaneous deformation
ani deformasyon
instantaneous formation
(Ticaret) ani kuruluş
instantaneous fuse
(Askeri) HASSAS TAPA: Müsademe anında, toprağa girmeden evvel mermiyi paralandıran ve ufak bir mermi çukuru meydana getiren top. Bak. "fuze"
instantaneous loss function
anlik yitim islevi
instantaneous mortality
(Denizbilim) anlık ölüm
instantaneous particle velocity
anlik parcacik hizi
instantaneous point exposure
(Çevre) ani noktasal maruz kalma
instantaneous power
(Askeri) enstantane güç
instantaneous power
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) anlık güç
instantaneous rate of growth
(Denizbilim) anlık büyüme hızı
instantaneous readout
(Askeri) anında bildirme
instantaneous readout
(Askeri) ANINDA OKUMA, ANINDA BİLDİRME (HV.): Gönderilecek bir bilginin, bir radyo vericisi tarafından hesaplanmasıyla birlikte anında haber verilmesi
instantaneous relay
anı etkili röle
instantaneous relay
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ani etkili röle
instantaneous release
(Dilbilim) gecikmesiz bırakım
instantaneous rupture
birden kırılma
instantaneous rupture
ani kırılma
instantaneous rupture
ani kopma
instantaneous rupture
birden kopma
instantaneous sound pressure
anlik ses basinci
instantaneous strain
ani deformasyon
instantaneous strain
birden biçim değiştirme
instantaneous value
anlik deger
instantaneous vertical speed indicator
(Askeri) Bak. "vertical speed indicator"
instantaneous water heater
geçişli su ısıtıcı
instantaneous wind speed
(Çevre) ani rüzgar hızı

Tom neredeyse hemen öldü. - Tom died almost instantaneously.

hiç beklemeden
Englisch - Englisch
Occurring, arising, or functioning without any delay; happening within an imperceptibly brief period of time

He said that the bullet went through her head, severed her spine and death would have been almost instantaneous.

done without perceptible lapse of time
Done or occurring in an instant, or without any perceptible duration of time; as, the passage of electricity appears to be instantaneous
At or during a given instant; as, instantaneous acceleration, velocity, etc
{s} instant, immediate; of or occurring at a particular moment
A qualifying term applied to a circuit breaker or other device indicating that no delay is purposely introduced into its action
occurring with no delay; "relief was instantaneous"; "instant gratification
occurring with no delay; "relief was instantaneous"; "instant gratification"
at an instant The instantaneous velocity can be obtained by differentiating the displacement with respect to time
Something that is instantaneous happens immediately and very quickly. Death was instantaneous because both bullets hit the heart. = immediate + instantaneously in·stan·ta·neous·ly Airbags inflate instantaneously on impact. happening immediately
Happening all at once, in a single moment
instantaneous velocity
the velocity of an object at any given instant (especially that of an accelerating object)
instantaneous velocity
the limit of the change in position per unit time as the unit of time approaches zero; expressed mathematically as \lim_{t \to 0} \frac{\Delta x}{\Delta t}
without any delay; "he was killed outright
without any delay; "he was killed outright"
Without any delay; in an instantaneous manner
instantly, immediately, momentarily