(Askeri) İŞARET, ALAMET, SEMBOL: Rütbe, teşkilat, derece, sınıf ve hizmet göstermek üzere, üniforma üzerine takılan tanıtma işareti. Bak. "enlisted combat insignia", "enlisted noncombatant insignia" ve "combat commander's insignia". INSPECT AND REPAIR ONLY AS NECESSARY TECHNIQUE: ANCAK LÜZUMUNDA MUAYENE VE ONARIM TEKNİĞİ
An insignia is a design or symbol which shows that a person or object belongs to a particular organization, often a military one. The red star was the national insignia of the USSR. = emblem. insignia a badge or sign that shows what official or military rank someone has, or which group or organization they belong to emblem