(Askeri) KIYI SULARINDA YAPILAN KARAKOL: Genellikle bir kıyı savunma bölgesinde faaliyette bulunan bir deniz savunma karakolu. Bu karakol; liman savunmasının bütün unsurlarını, kıyı gözetleme şebekesini (coastal lookout system), karakol deniz araçlarını, destek üslerini, uçakları ve kıyı muhafaza istasyonlarını içine alır
The zone or portion of a beach profile extending seaward from the foreshore to just beyond the breaker zone See Komar (1976)
close to a shore; "inshore fisheries" (of winds) coming from the sea toward the land; "an inshore breeze"; "an onshore gale"; "seaward winds" toward the shore; "we swam two miles inshore
If something is inshore, it is in the sea but quite close to the land. If something moves inshore, it moves from the sea towards the land. A barge was close inshore about a hundred yards away offshore Inshore is also an adjective. inshore reefs and islands. offshore. near, towards, or to the shore offshore
(1) The region where WAVES are transformed by interaction with the sea bed (2) In beach terminology, the zone of variable width extending from the LOW WATER LINE through the BREAKER ZONE