insan gücü,insangücü

listen to the pronunciation of insan gücü,insangücü
Türkisch - Englisch
The total number of all available workers; the workforce
The total supply of individuals available and qualified for service
The power exerted by a single person (analogous to horsepower.)
- a portion of population which has actual or potential capability to contribute to the production of goods and services
– a portion of population which has actual or potential capability to contribute to the production of goods and services
in the physical world a unit of power equivalent to 74 60 watts Obsolete
The total number of people who are suited to a particular type of work The term is typically associated with Manpower Requirements or Availability, etc
{i} power available from or supplied by human labor; total number of people available for service
the force of workers available
The total demand, expressed in terms of number of individuals, associated with a system Manpower is indexed by requirements which consist of quantified lists of jobs, slots, or billets that are characterised by the descriptions of the required number of individuals who fill the job, slots or billets
Workers are sometimes referred to as manpower when they are being considered as a part of the process of producing goods or providing services. the shortage of skilled manpower in the industry These people do not have the equipment or the manpower to cut down the trees. all the workers available for a particular kind of work
insan gücü,insangücü