I had a stroke last year.
- Geçen yıl bir inme geçirdim.
Sami had stroke-like symptoms.
- Sami'de inme benzeri semptomlar vardı.
We're going to begin the descent for Honolulu.
- Honolulu için inmeye başlayacağız.
It is easier to go down a hill than to climb it up.
- Bir tepeden inmek ona tırmanmaktan daha kolaydır.
It's still too cold to go down to the shore.
- Sahile inmek için hâlâ çok soğuk.
I'd like to get off at Fifth Avenue.
- Beşinci caddede inmek istiyorum.
I just want to get off this bus.
- Sadece bu otobüsten inmek istiyorum.
We're looking desperately for a place to land.
- Biz inmek için çaresizce bir yer arıyoruz.
The eagle is about to land.
- Kartal yere inmek üzere.
Layla wanted to get out of the car.
- Leyla arabadan inmek istedi.
I struggled to get out of the subway.
- Metrodan inmek için uğraştım.
My fat rolls around in folds.
He spoke in French, but his speech was simultaneously translated into eight languages.
Skirts are in this year.
Is Mr. Smith in?.
One in a million.
His speech was in French, but was simultaneously translated into eight languages.
The country reached a high level of prosperity in his first term.
John is in a coma.
In returning to the vault, I had no very sure purpose in mind; only a vague surmise that this finding of Blackbeard's coffin would somehow lead to the finding of his treasure.
What's that in?.
They said they would call us in a week.