
listen to the pronunciation of inherited
Englisch - Türkisch
(Tıp) Anne babadangeçen, atalardan geçen, atalardan gelen
{s} miras kalan

Ana babasından miras kalan bir apartmana henüz taşındı. - He just moved into an apartment he inherited from his parents.

Tom büyükbabasından miras kalan parayla Mary için bir nişan yüzüğü aldı. - Tom bought an engagement ring for Mary with money he inherited from his grandfather.

intikal etmek
(Biyokimya) kalıtsal
{s} miras

Tom'un çocuklarının ondan bir şey miras alması çok zayıf bir olasılıktır. - It's very unlikely that Tom's children inherited anything from him.

O, annesinin mavi gözlerini miras olarak aldı. - She inherited her mother's blue eyes.

miras yoluyla kalmış
{s} babadan kalma
{s} mirasla kalmış
{f} miras olarak almak

Öğretmenim, sonsuz yaşamı miras olarak almak için ne yapayım? - Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?

inherited error
(Bilgisayar) kalıtsal hata
inherited from
(Bilgisayar) devralındığı yer
inherited error
kalıtımsal hata
{f} kalıtımla kazanmak
mirasa konmak
(Ticaret) miras yoluyla devralmak
miras almak
varis ol/al
miras al

Tom bir sürü parayı miras aldı. - Tom inherited a lot of money.

Tom'un çocuklarının ondan bir şey miras alması çok zayıf bir olasılıktır. - It's very unlikely that Tom's children inherited anything from him.

{f} (from) -e (-den) miras kalmak, -e (-den) kalmak, (bir şeyin) mirasçısı/vârisi olmak: She inherited it from her grandfather. Ona dedesinden
(Bilgisayar) devral

Onun gayrimenkulünü devralacağım. - I will inherit his estate.

Genlerimizi ebeveynlerimizden devralırız. - We inherit our genes from our parents.

kalıtım yoluyla almak
mirasla almak
-e miras kalmak; vâris olmak
(Kanun) mirasla iktisap etmek
(Ticaret) tevarüs etmek
kalıt almak
to be inherited
intikal etmek
Englisch - Englisch
Simple past tense and past participle of inherit
Obtained via an inheritance
{s} received by legal right at a person's death; received as a legacy; transmitted genetically
VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the method is inherited from a supertype (YES) or not (NO)
tending to occur among members of a family usually by heredity; "an inherited disease"; "familial traits"; "genetically transmitted features"
VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether the attribute is inherited from a supertype (YES) or not (NO)
Passed on through genes from parents
Transmitted through genes from parents to offspring 1 Knockout: Inactivation of specific genes Knockouts are often created in laboratory organisms such as yeast or mice so that scientists can study the knockout organism as a model for a particular disease 1
See: inherit
Indicates whether the value of the property is inherited from a parent element
having received a trait or characteristic from one's parents
inherited disorder
{i} genetic disorder, genetic disease, disorder that is transmitted genetically; pathological condition resulting from the absent or deficient gene, pathological condition caused by a chromosomal abnormality
inherited quality
inborn characteristic
inherited wealth
wealth that is inherited rather than earned
to come into an inheritance

Lucky old Daniel – his parents were both killed, and he's inherited.

To receive a characteristic from one's ancestors by genetic transmission

Let's hope the baby inherits his mother's looks and his father's intelligence.

To take possession of as a right (especially in Biblical translations)

Your descendants will inherit the earth.

To derive (existing functionality) from a superclass

ModalWindow inherits all the properties and methods of Window.

To derive a new class from (a superclass)

For example, the following two code segments, from different assemblies, show how easy it is to inherit a class from another assembly.

To receive (property or a title etc), by legal succession or bequest after the previous owner's death

After Grandad died, I inherited the house.

obtain from someone after their death; "I inherited a castle from my French grandparents"
v t 1 to receive or acquire a quality, trait, or characteristic; to gain access to a feature defined elsewhere 2 (a class) to acquire the structure and behavior defined by a superclass 3 (a package) to make symbols exported by another package accessible by using use-package
To receive or take by birth; to have by nature; to derive or acquire from ancestors, as mental or physical qualities; as, he inherits a strong constitution, a tendency to disease, etc
To receive something, such as property, money, or power from someone after he or she dies
{f} receive by legal right at a person's death; receive as a legacy; receive by genetic transmission
To derive from people or conditions previously in force
To receive (property or a title etc), by legal succession or bequest after the previous owners death
receive by genetic transmission; "I inherited my good eyesight from my mother"
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
To put in possession of
If you inherit something such as a task, problem, or attitude, you get it from the people who used to have it, for example because you have taken over their job or been influenced by them. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors
To have the data and methods of a parent class apply to a child class Compare override
To take by descent from an ancestor; to take by inheritance; to take as heir on the death of an ancestor or other person to whose estate one succeeds; to receive as a right or title descendible by law from an ancestor at his decease; as, the heir inherits the land or real estate of his father; the eldest son of a nobleman inherits his father's title; the eldest son of a king inherits the crown
To receive a characteristic from ones ancestors by genetic transmission
to receive a trait from a parent (or ancestor ) You inherit bodily traits such as eye color from your parents Also see heredity
Obtain data and functions not by declaring them explicitly, but by telling C++ you want the data and functions from another class, in addition to any explicitly declared for a new class See the example with base class, in which derived_class inherits base_class
If you inherit a characteristic or quality, you are born with it, because your parents or ancestors also had it. We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics Her children have inherited her love of sport Stammering is probably an inherited defect
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide) [definition #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
In genetics, to receive genetic material from parents through biological processes
To take or hold a possession, property, estate, or rights by inheritance
obtain from someone after their death; "I inherited a castle from my French grandparents" receive by genetic transmission; "I inherited my good eyesight from my mother" receive from a predecessor; "The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair
To come into possession of; to possess; to own; to enjoy as a possession
In genetics, to receive genetic material from parents through biological processes Source : Human Genome Project Information
To acquire property by will or succession
(Internet Directory Administrator's Guide; search in this book)
If you inherit money or property, you receive it from someone who has died. He has no son to inherit his land. paintings that he inherited from his father. people with inherited wealth
receive from a predecessor; "The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair"
receive from a predecessor; "The new chairman inherited many problems from the previous chair