Beginning with specific observations and measurable criteria, inductive reasoning detects patterns and make some sort of hypotheses and finally, one or more theories Called "Bottom Up", it works from specific observations to broader generalizations and theories
Reasoning process in which data are gathered and examined, hypotheses are formulated, and eventually theories are developed in response to what the data reveal; generally used with qualitative research methods
A deductive approach is when examples of particular language structures are given and learners 'work out' a general grammar rule based on these examples In Gaeilge agus Fáilte, Unit 3, Section 8 2, learners are asked: 'Look at the Conversations in 8 1 again Can you guess at the reason for the four different forms of i?' This is an example of an inductive approach This approach is often associated with Audio-Lingual teaching/learning methods (See Deductive)
Unlike deductive arguments, inductive ones promise only probability, not certainty Thus, if one argues that having watched several different newscasts in several different cities on many different nights one may infer that newscasts emphasize, in Bob Inman's phrase, "mayhem and misery", then one is making an inductive argument (In this case, an inductive (or empirical) generalization Another kind of inductive argument is an argument from analogy Inductive arguments are judged by their reliability, where one expects only a high degree of probability, not one hundred percent reliability as with deduction
inducing or influencing; leading on; "inductive to the sin of Eve"- John Milton of reasoning; proceeding from particular facts to a general conclusion; "inductive reasoning"