individually, as opposed to collectively; slowly or methodically, figuratively.

listen to the pronunciation of individually, as opposed to collectively; slowly or methodically, figuratively.
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von individually, as opposed to collectively; slowly or methodically, figuratively. im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

as opposed to
e karşı olarak
as opposed to
-e karşı olarak
as opposed to
-e zıt olarak
as opposed to
-in aksine
one at a time
her seferinde bir tane
one at a time
Her seferde bir tane
as opposed to
-in aksine olarak
as opposed to
in aksine olarak
Englisch - Englisch
one at a time

One at a time, please! I can't hear you if you all talk at once.

as opposed to
in contrast to, rather than, instead of
as opposed to
in contrast to, contrary to
individually, as opposed to collectively; slowly or methodically, figuratively.


    individually, as opposed to collectively; slow·ly or methodically, fig·ur·a·tive·ly