in terms of extra staff--how many will we need

listen to the pronunciation of in terms of extra staff--how many will we need
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von in terms of extra staff--how many will we need im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

in terms of

O, para açısından her şeyi düşünüyor. - He thinks of everything in terms of money.

Kuzey Amerikalılar cinsel ahlak açısından Avrupalılardan daha tutucudur. - North Americans are more conservative in terms of sexual morality than Europeans.

in terms of
açıdan: Don't look at the situation in those terms! Duruma o açıdan bakma!
in terms of
in terms of
in terms of
bakımından, açısından
in terms of
(Kanun) üzerinden
in terms of

Her şeye parasal açıdan bakıyorsun. - You see everything in terms of money.

in terms of

İyi bir eğitimin değeri para cinsinden ölçülemez. - The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money.

in terms of
-e göre
in terms of
in terms of
k.dili. -e gelince, -ce/-çe: In terms of money she's
in terms of
bir dille
in terms of
konuşma dili -e gelince, -ce/-çe: She's got no problems in terms of money. Paraca hiçbir sorunu yok
in terms of
açıdan: "Don't look at the situation in those terms! - Duruma o açıdan bakma!"
in terms of
konuşma dili -e gelince, -ce/-çe: "She's got no problems in terms of money. - Paraca hiçbir sorunu yok."
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von in terms of extra staff--how many will we need im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

in terms of
in relation to; with respect to; as regards; concerning; regarding

She has no idea how she wants the house to look in terms of décor.

in terms of
in connection with, regarding, in the sense of
in terms of extra staff--how many will we need