in relation to everyone.

listen to the pronunciation of in relation to everyone.
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von in relation to everyone. im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

in relation to
-e dair
in relation to
ilişkili olarak
in relation to
in relation to
in relation to
in relation to
in relation to
ile ilgili olarak
in relation to
hakkında: She said nothing in relation to that matter. O mesele hakkında hiçbir şey söylemedi
Englisch - Englisch
erga omnes
in relation to
concerning; in reference to
in relation to
in comparison with
in relation to
In connection with; in dealing with; as concerns; in comparison to; respecting; about

1. Father spoke about school in relation to finding a job when we are older. 2. What did you say in relation to what happened yesterday? 3. With relation to his job, skill is very important. In relation to Texas, Rhode Island is quite a small state.

in relation to everyone.