in force

listen to the pronunciation of in force
Englisch - Türkisch
(Askeri) tam kuvvetle
hükmü olmak
büyük kuvvetlerle
yürürlükte olmak

Jülyen takvimi Rusya'da geçerliydi. - The Julian calendar was in force in Russia.

bütün kuvvetiyle

Jülyen takvimi Rusya'da geçerliydi. - The Julian calendar was in force in Russia.

yürürlükte bulunan
(kanun) yürürlükte

Jülyen takvimi Rusya'da yürürlükteydi. - The Julian calendar was in force in Russia.

Onlar geri yürürlükte olacak. - They will be back in force.

(Askeri) TAM KUVVETLE: Mevcut kuvvetlerin hepsiyle
be in force
yürürlükte olmak
to be in force
yürürlükte olmak
to be in force
hükmü olmak
Englisch - Englisch
In effect; applicable

The grammar rules that you learned in school are no longer in force.

With a substantial number of men capable of exerting force or of making a show of force

The police arrived in force at dawn to raid the drug lab.

With a substantial display of resources

The made the presentation in force to try to impress the client.

valid, having official power; in great numbers
Insurance on which the premiums are being paid or have been fully paid
The viator is currently covered by insurance on which the premiums are being paid or have been fully paid
(En vigueur) Insurance that is valid at the particular time It would not include cancelled or expired policies
Insurance policy which is in effect, and has not expired or been cancelled Inherent Vice The quality that something has to deteriorate or damage itself without outside help, e g , milk sours; coal combusts spontaneously Insurable Interest An interest which the insured must have in the subject matter of the insurance he buys so that if the event insured against occurs, the insured will suffer a pecuniary loss Insurance A contract in which one party, the insurer, for monetary consideration agrees to reimburse another, the insured, for loss or liability for a loss on a defined subject caused by specified hazards or perils
A certificate on which premium payments are either up to date or not in arrears beyond the grace period
exerting force or influence; "the law is effective immediately"; "a warranty good for two years"; "the law is already in effect (or in force)"
Insurance policy which is in effect, and has not expired or been cancelled
The viator is currently covered by insurance on which the premiums are being paid or have been fully paid Back To Top
Insurance policy which is in effect, and has not expired or been cancelled top
in force

    Türkische aussprache

    în fôrs


    /ən ˈfôrs/ /ɪn ˈfɔːrs/


    ... Tourists will line up for these glasses because via the electromagnetic force, you will see ...
    ... A Fifth Force?   ...